LEWISBURG (WVDN) – A long agenda was in place for the Tuesday meeting of the Greenbrier County Commission. After regular business of the county was conducted there were several specific issues about estates and Meadow River Trail repair and then a presentation by the West Virginia State Fair about financing of a new convention center on their property.
Chub Warren of The West Virginia State Fair and Cassie Lawson of Region IV Planning and Development Council presented a request for support from the county commission. An earlier grant application to Economic Development Administration, a federal agency, had been denied due to an unusual number of applicants and a rearrangement of funds and their use by the agency.
A new application to The West Virginia Water Development Authority Economic Enhancement Grant Fund requires an exhaustion of other avenues of support before the grant can be obtained. Region IV project manager Cassie Lawson said, “As before, the bulk of $6 million will be requested with additional funding from The West Virginia State Fair and private donations.”
To this end, the county commission was requested to provide minimally a letter of support that this facility will be a benefit to the area and perhaps a partial financial contribution if the county can do that.
Commissioner Lowell Rose stated that the benefit to economic development in the county with a convention center is absolutely appreciated, but that at this time the county does not have any available funds to contribute. A letter will be drafted, updating the previous letter which had been provided by the county commission, stating support of the project.
In other business, the commission approved a resolution declaring Operation Green Light will be observed from October through Nov. 11, Veterans Day. The courthouse has been illuminated green this week, and all county businesses and residences may display a green light in a window showing support of those men and women who have fought to protect our nation and freedoms.
In personnel news, a new hire for the planning office is Steven Robert Simmons II who will fill the vacancy that involves site visits and building code adherence. “The previous applicant did not work out,” according to Commissioner Tammy Tincher.
In estate matters, the executor was changed in the James Lawrence Gordon estate, to two sisters who may have more local access and can move things along.
Also, the sheriff was designated as the executor of the estate of Nellie Mable Hanna. This is part of the duties of the county sheriff but rarely is enforced.
In Meadow River Trail business, the third wingwall of the Burdette Bridge will be paid by money from the TIP program. The boundary survey on the Russellville Trailhead cost, for the shared line with private property owner Arless McClung, will be paid for by the county.