Dear Recycle Lady,
Today I received a beautiful Thanksgiving card in an envelope with gold foil lining. Can this envelope be recycled? Thankful
Dear Thankful,
Enjoy your beautiful card, but unless the gold foil lining can be removed from the paper part of the envelope, it can’t be recycled. The card can be recycled with office paper or magazines, depending on whether its surface is paper-like or slick.
Dear Recycle Lady,
We have a lot of older non-LED and LED Christmas lights that are missing bulbs, are tangled up or don’t work anymore. Can they be recycled? Lights That Sparkle
Dear Lights That Sparkle,
Yes, all Christmas lights, regardless of condition, can be recycled. The copper that is within the cords has value. Take them to the recycling center and press the bell indicated on the aluminum can door. Someone will come to assist you. Lowe’s also recycles Christmas lights. Take them just inside the entrance door where returns are processed.
Good to Know: Plastic can be found in very surprising places, including in chewing gum, table salt and beer! However, you won’t find it in compostable products, since plastic can never fully decompose.
Dear Readers,
Happy Turkey Day! Wishing everyone a day with family, friends, good conversations and a good dinner that is good for the environment. Using reusable dishes, eating utensils, tablecloths and napkins saves on landfill space. If you must use disposables, please, purchase 100% recycled or compostable plates, cups, napkins and utensils (Kroger and Walmart both have them). Cleaning recyclable aluminum foil, trays and pans used for baking turkeys or casseroles can be a bit of a chore, but worth the effort as they are recyclable. Last, but not least, be safe, enjoy the day and have a very Happy Thanksgiving.
Kudos to Dooeys for creating sustainable slippers made with plant-based and recycled materials. A vegan apple leather made from apple skins and cores ground into a powder makes up the top of the slipper, and the lining is made from recycled polyester suede. Sugarcane EVA is used for the soles, and cork and recycled foam is used for arch-supporting insoles.
Looking for Information: Does anyone know where Christmas trees will be recycled or added to a body of water? If so, please email so me I can pass on the information.
Have questions about recycling or interesting information about recycling? Send questions or requests to Dear Recycle Lady is sponsored jointly by the Greenbrier Recycling Center and Greenworks Recycling.