LEWISBURG, W.Va. (WVDN) – At the regular lunch meeting of the Lewisburg Rotary Club on Monday, June 12, the club heard a report from Rotarian Mardi McMillan about her recent trip to India to participate in the polio eradication efforts of Rotary International.
Rotary is a founding partner of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative which has reduced worldwide polio cases by 99.99% since 1979. While in India, McMillan volunteered at Rotary vaccination centers, providing vaccines to children younger than age 5.
Thanks to Rotary volunteers like McMillan and Rotary’s international partners, polio has been eliminated in all countries worldwide except Afghanistan and Pakistan.
To learn more about Rotary’s polio eradication efforts, visit endpolio.org.
Also at the June 12 meeting, the Lewisburg Rotary Club welcomed its newest member, Sofia Crowell.
To join the area’s premier service organization, contact the Lewisburg Rotary Club through its Facebook page at facebook.com/lewisburgrotary.