The following governmental bodies will hold meetings this week:
The Greenbrier County Airport Authority will meet on Tuesday, March 21, at 2 p.m. in the State Fairgrounds conference room or via Zoom at Meeting ID: 824 1557 6180, Passcode: 713179, one tap mobile, 1-646-931-3860.
On the agenda: financial reports, project status updates, interim director Martha Levisay report, sign update, fuel price adjustments, executive session and more.
The Greenbrier County Solid Waste Authority will meet on Tuesday, March 21, at 3 p.m. at 450 Monroe Ave., Ronceverte. On the agenda: financial, recycle and landfill reports, personnel executive session, bank signatures, audit extensions, public comment and more.
Lewisburg City Council will meet on Tuesday, March 21, at 7 p.m. in the Paul R. Cooley Council Chambers at City Hall, 942 Washington Street W. and on Zoom. Call 304-645-2080 by 4:30 p.m. on the day of the meeting for Zoom login information.
On the agenda: water plant project update, public works building update, planning and parks commissions reports, police and fire reports, Greenbrier East High School Project Graduation funding request, New River Community and Technical College funding request, emergency purchase of GPS for water department, police department emergency purchase request, City National Bank lease, preparation for fiscal year 2024 and more.
The Greenbrier County Board of Health will meet at the health department in Fairlea at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, March 22. On the agenda: employee matters, FY22 audit report, upcoming infrastructure grant, legislative updates, COVID-19 update and more.
The Greenbrier County Planning Commission will meet on Wednesday, March 22, at 1 p.m. in the county commission room at the Greenbrier County Courthouse.
On the agenda: review requests for amendment to the zoning map for completion and set for public hearing if appropriate; rezoning petition by Jason Perry, Hillcrest Park Lane, Lewisburg, situated in the Open Space Conservation District. Amendment is requested to rezone the property as forest recreation; rezoning petition submitted by Corwin and Louise Ballard, Houfnaggle Road, Lewisburg, situated in the Open Space Conservation District. Amendment is requested to rezone the property as forest recreation; comprehensive plan amendments; review of draft zoning ordinance; and more.