White Sulphur Springs City Council will hold a finance committee meeting and a Council meeting on Monday, March 13 at City Hall.
The finance meeting is at 6:45 p.m. and the Council meeting is at 7 p.m.
The agenda for the finance meeting includes the city financial statement, bills to be paid and more.
The agenda for the City Council meeting includes the following: committee and officer reports, Girl Scout Week proclamation, Mountain Transit Authority request, Greenbrier Girls Softball League request, grant applications and more.
The following ordinances are also on the agenda: second reading of repealing the current zoning ordinance and enacting new zoning ordinance, second reading of an ordinance pertaining to the Greenbrier Valley Activity Center Commission, first reading of an ordinance establishing a police funding fee to each criminal and traffic citation court costs and first reading of an ordinance amending the city floodplain.