RENICK (WVDN) – A mobile food pantry food giveaway will be held at Renick Park on Friday, Sept. 30 from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m., or until truck is empty, whichever comes first.
These food distributions are through the Mountaineer Food Bank in Gassaway, W.Va.
The food amount to be distributed to each person is determined by how many people show up to participate. It could be as much as a trunk full, and you do not have to accept everything offered.
Generally, they have all the food groups covered, milk, bread, protein and fresh fruits and vegetables.
You can pick up food for yourself or for a neighbor, just provide the name and address of the recipient for their records. Only West Virginia residents qualify.
Directions to the park: take Rt. 219 to Renick, turn right on Auto Road, then at the river, before you cross the bridge, turn left onto Railroad Ave. Cars will line up and the volunteers will load your products for you into your trunk or rear gate.
One more mobile food pantry giveaway is scheduled for 2022 on Dec. 2.