Echoes of the Past is a collection of historical articles curated from The Virginian Review and other publications archived since 1914. You may be exposed to content that you find offensive or objectionable. For historical purposes and accuracy, articles are reprinted in their original, unedited form, and do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of the publisher.
1922 – 100 Years Ago
One of the regions of Greenbrier County hitherto unexplored by us, was visited last Tuesday in the quest for peaches for household canning purposes. An old friend of The News, Mr. Cape Reed, advertised last week that he had an orchard full of improved peaches which would be sold to all comers at the orchard. Ours were picked while we waited and inspected one of the finest orchards of fine fruit it was ever our privilege to see.
Boy Scouts Encampment
Troop No. 1, Boy Scouts of Ronceverte returned Wednesday evening after their encampment of ten days at the mouth of Second Creek, an ideal place for camping. Fishing, boating, bathing, hiking, drilling, boxing, campfire singing, story telling, sleeping, and eating were features of the camp life of these boys.
The Klansmen were riding last Monday night in Fayette County. From some secret rendezvous, the white-robed band of the Ku Klux Klan appeared first in Mt. Hope and Fayetteville. Some 50 automobiles bearing 200 hooded figures participated in the demonstration.
1947 – 75 Years Ago
Fair Finale
A grand finale of fireworks display brought the second annual West Virginia State Fair to a grand conclusion Saturday night Last year’s attendance record of 300,000 was surpassed. The number and quality of exhibits and entries hit new records. Rain during the morning resulted in a muddy track for the racing events in the day, but the program was staged nevertheless.
Bluebend Closes
Following it season of heaviest use since the war, Bluebend recreation area will be closed immediately after Labor Day, it was announced by District Ranger H. H. Bush. Closure at this time and until reopening next June is necessary to safeguard the area during the winter period and fall and spring fire season.
Moonshining Booms
Moonshining which has resulted from the lifting of sugar ration controls has added to the work of the enforcement division of the State Liquor Control Commission, Division Chief E. C. Gwinn reported.
Dead Returned
Bodies of about 3,200 of the approximately 4,000 West Virginia service men who died overseas during the last war will be returned to West Virginia for burial, it was estimated.
1972-50 Years Ago
Record Crowd at Draft Pull
A capacity crowd, reported to be the largest in State Fair history, was on hand Friday morning to witness the Draft Horse pulling contest. At approximately 11 a.m., two teams remained in the final competition. An 800 lb. stoneboat loaded with 6,000 lbs. of weight was used for the final pull. Team No. 1, weighing 4,300 lbs., belonging to Homer Starts of Frankfort, Ohio, was the winner.
Girls are Smoking
A national survey released Saturday shows that girls between the ages of 12 and 17 are regularly smoking cigarettes almost as much as boys in the same age span.
Back To The Center
U. S. Senator Robert C. Byrd, D-WV, said Saturday night the Democratic party must foreswear the extremes of left and right that have been haunting us and move back toward the intelligent center.
Rainelle Scouts On Treasure Hunt
Cub Pack 95 gathered at the Glad Creek farm of Sgt. Doff Young for a treasure hunt and wiener roast. The Cub Scouts were transferred to trucks furnished by the U. S. Army Reserve Motor Pool and driven to the farm.
1997 – 25 Years Ago
Carnegie Partners with Greenbrier County Schools
Carnegie Hall and Greenbrier County schools recently signed the Performing Arts Center and Schools Partnership Agreement, a landmark event which officially formalizes the partnership between the two organization and marks the strong, on-going commitment to education in Greenbrier County.
Kickers On TV
The Greenbrier County Kickers, instructed by Karen Dix of Summersville, traveled to Nashville, Tennessee, last month for the taping of an upcoming episode. They will appear on TNN’s Wildhorse Saloon as the feature dance group.