LEWISBURG W.Va. (WVDN) – The Greenbrier East JROTC traveled to Fort Gregg-Adams Virginia on April 23. They arrived at 11 a.m. and were escorted to the Ordinance dining facility for lunch. An official joined them for lunch then escorted them on a tour of the many Military Occupation Specialties that conduct their schools at Fort Lee. They then went to the Quartermaster Museum for the Army the Women’s Museum of the Army where we were given a tour by their respective staff.
The following morning, they departed our hotel for Fort Myers Virginia and were escorted to the chapel where the funerals conducted at Arlington National Cemetery are held. We departed chapel into the cemetery and visited the home of General Lee, “The Lee House”. Their next stop was the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers of the Civil War. They went to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and watched a changing of the guard and then received a briefing by the Sentinel of the Guard. They visited the memorial with the Mast of the Battleship Maine that was sunk in Cuba, the memorials for the Space Shuttle Challenger and their final stop in the cemetery was the gravesite of President John F. Kennedy.
Most of the tour was on foot and true to course they then walked across the river to the DC Mall to visit the monuments there. They spent about 20 to 30 minutes at each memorial taking pictures and learning about the meanings and representations depicted in the memorials. Their first stop was the FDR Memorial, then Lincoln Memorial. The next stop was the Vietnam Memorial where they also looked up the name on the wall, Gary Martini, he was a Greenbrier County native and is buried in Lewisburg. The JROTC program decorates his grave with flags each year for Memorial Day. The day continued as they went to the Korean War Memorial, District of Columbia Memorial, the World War II Memorial, the Jefferson Memorial and finally the Washington Monument.
A very enjoyable two days was had by all spending time at these historic sites overlooking our Nation’s Capital, the National Mall, and the White House.
They would like to thank the Greenbrier County Board of Education, and the citizens of Greenbrier County that continue to support our county Levy which continues providing our program the opportunity to take this field trip.