LEWISBURG W.Va. (WVDN) — Recently at Greenbrier East High School, Emily Dunkle was honored with the award for the West Virginia Career and Technical Education New Teacher of The Year. Little did she know that when her ag & tech students were called to the gymnasium, they were there just for her. As Debbie McClintic, secondary/CTE director of Greenbrier County Schools, mentioned, “It was quite a job to keep her in the dark about her surprise.”
Principal of Greenbrier East High School, Ben Routson, welcomed news crews, Dunkle’s family, school officials and members of The Association of Career and Technical Education, state departments and more to join him in surprising Dunkle with her much-deserved award and praised her for her academic achievements and personal qualities. President of the WVACTE, Debbie Chapman, presented Dunkle with her certificate. Additionally, Clinton Burch, WVDE assistant superintendent, was honored to present to ag students and guests their new CTE Teacher of the Year.
An uproarious standing ovation was emotional to watch as Dunkle entered the gym. Needless to say, she is loved and deeply cared for by her students and faculty.
Dunkle has been a teacher for just three years. In that time, she has dedicated countless hours, sweat equity, in-depth knowledge of agriculture and passion for students daily, fortifying each of them with the tools and information they will need to be successful in whatever field they choose to enter after graduation, instilling in all a deep understanding and connection to their chosen profession and workforce.
Some of the programs offered are agriculture, body and mechanics, health care, hospitality, business, a sought-after pre-engineering program and more. There is also a culinary department of students which presents guests with a lovely brunch that includes fresh fruit, bagels, mini quiche, ham biscuits, pound cakes, fresh coffee and various drinks. Donning their chef coats, culinary students were knowledgeable and gracious hosts. Allowing the students to create and prepare foods prepares them to go directly into the field of culinary arts immediately, armed with experience.
In addition to this award, Dunkle was also recognized in 2023 with the Turnkey Award in FFA.
With heartfelt acceptance, she thanked her amazing students and the board of education for their support and encouragement.
Dunkle’s CTE program exceeds national standards with work-based learning and real-world simulations. It is said that when entering her classrooms, you may not be able to distinguish being at a farm or in a classroom. She teaches animal production, livestock production, small animal care, natural resources, horticulture and intro to ag. In her classes, Dunkle focuses on training, career exploration, employability and other skills necessary for students to be prepared for a future in Ag.
Dunkle is expected to shine in her career with exemplary standards and hard work; Dunkle is a rising star in education.
Dr. Sonya White, West Virginia Department of Education deputy superintendent, shared with guests the importance of economic development and growth in the county and the luck of having one of the best educators in the state. To allow students to do something they love instead of just having a job, Dunkle is identified as leading one of the best agricultural science programs in the state.