1924– 100 Years Ago
Deepest Well
Preparations are under way to drill the deepest oil well in the world near Terra Alta. It is expected to go down 10,000 feet. West Virginia has long had the deepest hole in the world, the Lake well near Fairmont being 7,597 feet deep. The rig for the new Terra Alta well is now being erected and will be the largest ever built. It is of wood, 24 feet square and 94 feet high.
Among The Moonshiners
County Prohibition officer George Sprague and State Troopers Creasey and Hawks recently capture the largest moonshine still ever found in this county, being of one hundred gallons capacity and made of all copper by Allen Lewis. When the officers arrived on the scene the still was warm yet “a run of likker” having just been made. Footprints in snow leading to and from the operation made the capture of the owner very easy. This raid was made on the Big Draft Road about nine miles from White Sulphur Springs.
Smoot High School News
A short program was given by the High School and faculty in honor of Woodrow Wilson. We had a Valentine program: L. O. Haynes gave a talk on the “History of Valentine,” and had two short readings. Afterwards the Valentine Box was opened and the Valentines were given out. We all enjoyed that evening and all seem to have a hearty laugh over the Valentines they received.
1949 – 75 Years Ago
British Mothers Plan Visits
In the days of the blitz in Bermondsey, the crowded dock district of London, American soldiers swarmed over the house of Mrs. R. E. Hand. Because they liked it there. Today the noisy, cheerful gentlemen of the infantry and the tank corps are gone, daughter Jean is in America with her GI husband, and Mrs. Hand is the honorable secretary of the Bermondsey district U. S. and Canadian Brides’ Parents’ association. The association has a number of objects foremost being a project to have every British parent visit the daughter who has gone to distant Canada and the United States. There are 80,000 such British daughters who have wandered off to every corner of the United States and Canada, and they have left behind as many mothers, says Mrs. Hand.
New Civilization
A Leningrad professor said a tomb. Discovered in Outer Mongolia has yielded evidence that a fabulous civilization flourished more than 2,000 years ago in that isolated area of central Asia. The find was made in the snow-capped Altai Mountains. Because of the extreme cold the tomb had served as a natural refrigerator preserving bodies of a tattooed man and a girl musician. The tomb of petrified logs also contained a gilded chariot, leather carpets, diadems of wood covered with thin layers of gold, round bronze mirrors, exquisite tables, jewelry and partly-dyed furs.
For Sale
Business lots facing Randolph Street, immediately behind the Lewisburg Maternity hospital. Will sell any size from 30 to 50 front fee. Call Lewisburg 469.
1974– 50 Years Ago
Nixon To Turn In Papers
President Nixon’s Watergate lawyers said today he would turn over extensive material to the House Judiciary Committee considering his impeachment and also would answer written questions and submit to “an oral interview” if necessary.
Meany Calls For End
AFL-CIO president George Meany, accusing President Nixon of making a mess of the economy, today asked Congress to let the administration’s wage-price control authority expire April 30 “without any ifs, ands or buts. Two and one-half years of experience under this program are enough,” Meany said. “It has failed miserably in its stated aim of curbing inflation. It has been unfair, inequitable, and unbalanced. It is a fraud and deception.” “The economy is in much worse shape now than it was on Aug. 15, 1971.”
UN Men Inspect
United Nations inspection teams set out today to determine whether Israeli and Egyptian forces in the Sinai Desert have complied satisfactorily with the pullback agreement worked out by Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger. The separation pact, worked out by Kissinger during three Middle East trips, limits each nation to 7,000 men, 30 tanks and 36 artillery pieces in frontline position in the Sinai Desert.
1999– 25 Years Ago
Snowstorm Knocks Out Cable TV, Electrical Service In Valley
After two spring-like days, the Greenbrier Valley was hit with a snow storm that interrupted both electric and cable service. As inches of snow began to accumulate, many West Virginia Power customers lost electricity. Personnel responded to the situation which was caused by the accumulation of snow coupled with high winds.
Greenbrier Head Start Earns Accreditation
- Greenbrier Head Start was recently granted accreditation by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). This prestigious recognition has been achieved by approximately 7% of early childhood programs nationwide – some 6,050 programs serving 566,025 children. According to Terri Wontrobski, director of Greenbrier Head Start, research supports the value of accreditation for children. Children’s language and social skills especially benefit from better quality found in NAEYC-accredited programs.
Workshop Deals With Y2K Computer Issue
The College of West Virginia Small Business Development Center is offering a workshop designed to explain how the Y2K computer issue could affect your business and what you can do to avoid potential problems. The Y2K issue is a hot topic around the world, as the potential for computer problems to arise at midnight on December 31, 1999 is analyzed.
DISCLAIMER: The articles on Echoes of the Past are printed in their entire original form, typos and all.