Dear Recycle Lady,
Last week you answered questions about plastic film. What about Saran Wrap? Is it a recyclable plastic film? Hope It Is Recyclable
Dear Hope It Is Recyclable,
Unfortunately, Saran Wrap, a soft plastic also known as plastic wrap or cling wrap, that is often used to wrap baked goods or to seal food in a container, is not recyclable. The other kinds of soft plastic that are not recyclable are prepackaged salad bags, frozen food bags, plastic bags with excessive glue residue or coloring and bags that contain leftover food.
Soft plastics that can be recycled are Ziploc bags, newspaper bags, grocery bags, produce bags, bread bags, dry cleaning bags, outer packaging on paper towels and toilet paper and bubble wrap. All bags should be clean and dry before placed in the recycling bin at Kroger, Walmart, or Lowe’s. Plastic wrap that is wet or soiled with food is a contaminate in the recycling process and cannot be recycled.
Dear Recycle Lady,
I go to the county landfill to take my household trash, and I used to take my recycling to Ronceverte. Is there any chance recyclables will be accepted at the land fill? Do you accept eligible materials sorted or mixed? If sorted, how do you categorize and sort by type? Returning to Recycling
Dear Returning to Recycling,
All recyclables that are accepted at the Recycling Center in Ronceverte are now accepted at the landfill. The bins are located over to the right of the scale house. Regardless of the location, all recyclable items must be separated and placed in the proper bins.
There are 12 bins for your convenience: aluminum cans, aluminum pie pans & foil, steel cans, No. 1 plastics, No. 2 clear plastics, No. 2 colored plastics, newspapers, office paper, magazines, cardboard, shredded paper, and toothbrushes, toothpaste tubes and floss containers. We do not accept mixed bags as we do not have staff available to sort the items; thus, bags of mixed recyclables must go in the trash.
Dear Recycle Lady,
How can composting here be good for the ocean? We are many miles away from any ocean. Disbeliever
Dear Disbeliever,
Composting is good for the oceans for many reasons. It reduces the amount of waste sent to the landfills, thus reducing methane emissions. Adding compost to vegetable or flower gardens helps create healthy, erosion-resistant soil, thus reducing runoff of soil, fertilizers or pesticides that find their way into waterways and, eventually, the ocean. Healthy soil helps plants absorb more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Additionally, plastics in landfills break down over time into microplastics that are microscopic pieces of plastic. These can be carried by the wind and rain into the environment. “Think Globally, Act Locally!”
Good News: A 10-mile radius around Chaco Canyon, located in northwestern New Mexico, is now protected from new oil and gas drilling for 20 years. The Canyon biodiversity hotspot is home to elk, bobcats and a wide range of birds and is also a major center of ancestral Pueblo culture. (
Have questions about recycling, or interesting information about recycling? Send questions or requests to Dear Recycle Lady is sponsored jointly by the Greenbrier Recycling Center and Greenworks Recycling.