LEWISBURG (WVDN) – Family Refuge Center invites you to join them for a coed softball tournament on Saturday, Sept. 17, at Dorie Miller Park in Lewisburg. Attendance is open to the community.
There will be a team entry fee. Concessions will be available at the park with 50/50 and a bat raffle. Teams are asked to RSVP by Sept. 9.
The tournament start time will announced after Sept. 9. Follow Family Refuge Center on Facebook for updates on this event. One hundred percent of the proceeds will be used for youth programming and activities at Family Refuge Center.
Dorie Miller Park is located at 451 Feamster Rd, Lewisburg.
For rules, more information or to RSVP, contact Karisa Coleman at 304-645-6324 or karisac@familyrefugecenter.org.