WASHINGTON, D.C. (WVDN) – Congresswomen Carol Miller (R-WV) and Judy Chu (D-CA) introduced on July 29, 2022 the Helping Households And Neighbors Distribute Services (HANDS) for Families Act in the U.S. House of Representatives. This legislation would permit states to use already-allocated money to access online portals that connect families in need with resources such as pregnancy centers, child care programs, food pantries, churches, and non-profits.
“Families across the nation are struggling to make ends meet as they face rising costs and supply chain shortages,” said Congresswoman Miller. “They need a hand up more than ever before, and our bill will do just that by providing parents access to helpful community resources. As a mother and a grandmother, I know there is no greater priority than providing for your family. I urge the passing of this legislation immediately to bring relief to parents, keep families together, and protect children in every community.”
“In a rapidly modernizing world, connectivity plays an important role in addressing the needs of families by linking them with local community non-profits for the resources, support and services they need,” said Rep. Judy Chu. “I am proud to co-lead the bipartisan Helping Households and Neighbors Distribute Services (HANDS) for Families Act to enhance these services and better serve the specific needs of families and children. In my district – and across Los Angeles County – we have seen the success of supportive social network pilot programs in our communities. This legislation will expand those efforts across the nation and ensure all our families have the tools and support needed to thrive.”
The Helping HANDS for Families Act would amend Title IV-B, Part B, Subpart 2 of the Social Security Act to allow for the means of access and use of an electronic portal under the MaryLee Allen Promoting Safe and Stable Families (PSST) program to meet specific needs of families and children through community support. The PSST program focuses on supporting at-risk families, preserving the nuclear family, promoting adoption, and assisting children in foster care and adoptive families through accessibility to community-based services.