LEWISBURG (WVDN) – At their June 2022 annual picnic meeting, The Lewisburg Lions Club presented its J. Bright Hern scholarship to two very deserving Greenbrier East High School seniors.
Hern was a long-time member of the Lewisburg Lions Club, was in the newspaper business and was very influential in many of the improvements made in Greenbrier County.
The two awardees for 2022 were Halianna Holiday, who has been accepted and will be attending West Virginia University majoring in pre-pharmacy and Hannah Keller has been accepted and will be attending West Liberty University majoring in psychology.
It was a very difficult task deciding on only two of the 19 very qualified students that completed application for this scholarship. Both Holiday and Keller had 4.0+ GPAs, scored extremely high on their SAT and ACT, were very involved in extracurricular activities and worked part-time jobs to help with their educational expenses.
The Lions Club congratulates both of these young ladies and wishes them much success in their future endeavors.