WEST VIRGINIA (WVDN) – The West Virginia Nursery and Landscape Association (WVNLA) has been providing financial support to the West Virginia University Davis College of Agriculture and Natural Resources for more than 25 years, supporting students majoring in horticulture and plant sciences and landscape architecture. Recently, the WVNLA gave $10,000 to support student travel and class supplies for the two programs.
Sven Verlinden, program coordinator of horticulture and plant sciences and associate professor of horticulture, has had a long relationship with the WVNLA, dating back 25 years ago. Throughout this time, the WVNLA has been a constant source of support, providing funding for these two Davis College programs.
“The continued support to the programs lets us provide students with unique out-of-class travel and experiential learning opportunities by reducing the cost to students,” Verlinden said. “The funding allows all students access to the wonderful opportunity to travel, whether it is international or to the annual landscaping competition.”
The recent gift will go toward reducing the cost of student travel expenses for a three-week Western Europe trip that Verlinden and Peter Butler take students on and for the National Collegiate Landscape Competition.
“Receiving funding to go on the Western European trip really benefited me. I never thought I would have gone across the world this early in my life,” Chris Garrison, senior horticulture and plant sciences major, said. “As a horticulture major, it was wonderful to see so many plants and native plants in bloom and experience a landscape that is different from the United States. It was truly a life-changing experience.”
With the help of funding provided by the WVNLA, each year several Davis College students attend the National Collegiate Landscaping Competition, an event where students showcase their skills in landscaping, horticulture and irrigation.
Colin Krisulevicz, a senior horticulture major, has had the opportunity to attend the competition twice, thanks to the support from the WVNLA.
Krisulevicz’s experiences at the competition are some of the best moments in his college career. Before attending the competition, he was not as enthusiastic about landscaping as he is now, explained Krisulevicz. By attending the competition, Krisulevicz realized how large and unique the landscaping industry is, and that it is an art form and something to be proud of.
“Simply put, without the scholarships from the WVNLA, the National Collegiate Landscaping Competition would not have happened for me,” Krisulevicz added. “Without the generous donations to our team, I could not have gone to either competition and made the memories, learned the skills and put myself out there like I did. It means a lot to me that an organization that does not even know who I am believes in giving toward an opportunity such as this.”
In addition to the recent gift for student travel, the WVNLA gives additional support each year to support student scholarships and a variety of other causes. The Marcus W. Rennix Scholarship is awarded to several landscape architecture and horticulture students to help with school expenses. The newly created George W. Longenecker Scholarship offers four semesters of full-tuition reimbursement for a high school senior accepted into the landscape architecture or horticulture programs. The goal of this scholarship is to encourage West Virginia high school students to consider careers in these areas. Longenecker was instrumental in developing the landscape architecture program at WVU in the 1960s.
“Education is a critical part of WVNLA’s mission, as is encouraging students to consider careers in nursery, landscape, greenhouse production and other green industry sectors,” Julie Robinson, executive director, WVNLA, said. “WVU has the state’s only accredited landscape architecture program, and we strive to enhance this program, as well as the horticulture and plant sciences program. Current students are the industry’s future. It is our hope that these graduates someday choose to establish their careers in the state.”
Hailey Lane, a senior studying horticulture, was one of five WVU students awarded the Marcus W. Rennix Scholarship this year. Lane will be using the scholarship funds toward the Western Europe trip.
“It means absolutely everything to me to be able to have this opportunity and be able to fund it,” Lane said. “The WVNLA has helped me and many other young adults be able to pursue our passions and dreams.”
Many students have benefited from these scholarships and without their support, these programs could not offer as many experiential learning and travel opportunities as they do, explained Verlinden.
“The relationship with WVNLA is very important to the Davis College in supporting recruitment and retention through scholarships and supporting experiential learning,” Butler, Extension specialist and professor of landscape architecture, said. “To provide all this support is a great recruitment opportunity, putting landscape architecture and horticulture front and center.”
Kiersten Smith, a freshman studying horticulture and plant sciences, was one of this year’s recipients of the George W. Longenecker Scholarship. As a first-generation student, this scholarship will allow Smith to focus completely on her studies and provide financial relief.
“This scholarship means so much to me, it alleviates the financial burden of my education, validates my dedication to the horticulture field and is motivating to have the support of a wonderful association,” Smith said. “The WVNLA’s commitment to supporting students in horticulture and landscape architecture is truly commendable and makes a significant difference in our academic and professional journeys. This scholarship has greatly enhanced my experience at the Davis College, and it has inspired me to give back and contribute to the horticulture field.”
The donations from the WVNLA help to reduce the cost for students to participate in these opportunities. Butler explained that he cannot say enough about the generosity the WVNLA has shown toward the horticulture and landscape architecture programs over the years.
This gift was made through the WVU Foundation, the nonprofit organization that receives and administers private donations on behalf of the University.
The Davis College of Agriculture and Natural Resources envisions a world sustainably fed, clothed and sheltered. To learn more about the Davis College, visit davis.wvu.edu. Keep up with the latest updates and news on Facebook, X, Instagram and YouTube by following @WVUDavis.