1925– 100 Years Ago
Gore As Governor
Howard M. Gore resigned as Secretary of Agriculture in President Coolidge’s cabinet and became Governor of West Virginia. He stated that he has no policy save the rule of right and reason to every question which may come up for a solution. This is all the policy anyone needs.
Edwards Heirs
More than six hundred heirs of Robert Edwards, a ship captain of pre-revolutionary days, who it is said, obtained from King George III a grant of land in America which includes what is part of the downtown financial district of New York met in Cincinnati, Ohio to discuss methods of furthering their claims to the New York property.
Pigeons as Telephones
With every outgoing tourist car that invades the little-known parts of the Grand Canyon National Park now go a pair of homing pigeons. They are the only feasible means of communication in an emergency for there is n telephone or telegraph service in that part of the country.
1950 – 75 Years Ago
Spoke On New Building
R. Satterfield and Andrew W. McLaughlin of the building committee spoke to the Old Stone Church congregation emphasizing specific needs which will be filled with the erection of the proposed Sunday School plant.
Baptist Church Organized
Rev. Wilbur C. Rooke, pastor of the Randolph Street church of Charleston and moderator of West Virginia Fundamental Baptist Association organized the Calvary Baptist Church of Lewisburg with 22 charter members. Services are being held each Sunday in the Preston Building on Court Street.
Free Trial
Kidd Truck & Implement Co. in Fairlea offers a free trial in your own home of an International Harvester Freezer. Phone 371.
1975– 50 Years Ago
Teachers & Troopers Get Raises
The 1975 West Virginia Legislature put the final touches on the state budget, approved pay raises for school teachers and State Police Troopers and then recessed until next month. The Legislature will meet again April 11-14 at which time the heavily Democratic body will have a chance to override any vetoes by the governor.
Monroe County Cows For Taxes
A Monroe County farmer when asked his opinion of the possible 37 percent tax increase said he couldn’t possibly pay the new tax in cash. He said he is losing money on every cow and hog he owns and yet must pay the same taxes on then as when they were profitable. The only recourse open to him, he explained, was to take enough cows to the sheriff’s office to cover all his taxes.
Lewisburg Senators Are Champions
The Lewisburg Senators have become the Greenbrier County Junior High basketball champions as they defeated the squad from Crichton 40-33. The Senators proved to be a tough team throughout the season having a final record of 17 wins and only 2 loses.
2000– 25 Years Ago
Greenbrier County Commissioners Issue Order Lowering Home Site Values
On its last day siting as a Board of Equalization and Review E&R), the Greenbrier County Commission approve an order lowering the home site values in all of the county and reducing the prime site values in Lewisburg Municipality. County Commission President Woody Hanna proposed the changes after several citizens attended the Board of E&R hearings this year to appeal their property assessments.
Les Dynamics Named Honors Choir For WVMEA Conference
The West Virginia Music Educators’ Association 2000 honors selection committee has named the “Les Dynamics” Choir from Lewisburg Elementary School as Honors Choir for the WVMEA 2000 Conference to be held in Huntington. Les Dynamics is a children’s choir of selected fifth and sixth grade students from Lewisburg Elementary School, a National Blue Ribbon School. The choir is under the direction of Philip R. Fife.
Malkovich Carnegie Film For March
The March Carnegie Hall Film Series features Being John Malkovich on March 13 at the Lewis Theatre in historic downtown Lewisburg. Admission is $5 per person, and proceeds directly benefit Carnegie Hall.
DISCLAIMER: The articles in Echoes of the Past are printed in their original form and may contain typos.