LEWISBURG W.Va. (WVDN) – Carnegie Hall’s Second Stage Series continues Ladies of Song on Thursday, March 20, at 7 p.m. in the Hamilton Auditorium. Guests are invited to come early for the Second Stage Lounge from 6–6:45 p.m. A cash bar and snacks will be available.
Presented by Barbara Wygal Lutz, the women of the Greenbrier Valley Chorale, and guest singers from around the state, Ladies of Song features an evening of solos, duets, trios and group ensembles – all singing music that spans the decades, even centuries.
The evening will include a cappella music of the renaissance, performances of choral music standards, torch songs and pop songs – old and new – and Broadway favorites from Showboat to Wicked.
Singers will include women from Greenbrier, Mercer, Monroe, and Pocahontas counties and guest soloists from Morgantown, Harrisonburg and the surrounding area. Featured solo performances include Carrie Neese, Kiersten White, Cathey Sawyer, Ginny Walls, and Barbara Lutz.
The Second Stage Series consists of five special events that take place in the Old Stone Room located on the ground floor of the Hall. The intimate setting creates a “speak easy” vibe with an eclectic lineup of entertainment. Seating is general admission. Concerts are moved to the Hamilton Auditorium if the demand is high.
Tickets are $20 for adults and $10 for students. Thanks to the Carnegie Cardinal Fund, Greenbrier County Students attend for free, but still must reserve a seat.
Tickets may be purchased by visiting www.carnegiehallwv.org, calling 304-645-7917, or stopping by the box office at 611 Church Street, Lewisburg, WV. Discounted Second Stage Series subscriptions are also available through the box office.
Carnegie Hall WV is a nonprofit organization supported by individual contributions, grants, and fundraising efforts such as TOOT and the Carnegie Hall Gala. The Hall is located at 611 Church Street, Lewisburg, WV. For more information, please call 304-645-7917 or visit www.carnegiehallwv.org.