1925– 100 Years Ago
Disastrous Fire
On Saturday morning, Feb. 21st, about one o’clock the Greenbrier Military School was discovered to be on fire. All the north wing was burned. Fortunately all the young men who had apartments in the section that burned made their escape, although some of them lost all their clothing.
Of the 1,500,000 people of West Virginia, 89.9 per cent were born in America ranking this state second compared with all the states of the Union. West Virginia ranks first in the Union in percentage of farm lands free from mortgage, and West Virginia farmers are 93.6 per cent American born.
Would Send
Them Home
By a vote of 213 to 39, the House of Representatives passed and sent to the Senate a bill making sweeping changes in the deportation laws. The bill is destined to strengthen the hand of the government in dealing with aliens who, on account of criminality or physical or mental incapacity, are undesirable.
1950 – 75 Years Ago
At Smoot
Recently contracts were let to H. G. Taylor for the building of an addition to the Smoot High School. Rooms to be built include two classrooms, a library, principal’s office and sanitary facilities.
Lions Defeat
In the March of Dimes basketball game in the Lewisburg High School gym Thursday night the Lewisburg Lions Club defeated the Lewisburg Rotary Cub by a score of 28-13. The game brought in a little more than $20 for the March of Dimes fund.
Local Game Reserve
D. Ervin, manager of the Nallen or Jim Stuart farm north of Lewisburg has several deer, including some young ones on the farm, which has been designated as a game reserve by the Conservation Commission. He is apprehensive of persons not known will disturb them and asks person to be careful of their dogs.
1975– 50 Years Ago
Ford Says Americans Will Solve Problems
On Their Own
President Ford predicted Americans will solve “their very serious” economic and energy problems with the same sacrifice, hard work and tenacity exhibited by past generations in coping with the American Revolution, two world wars, and he Depression.
A State College
The State House of Representatives voted Tuesday to make the Greenbrier College of Osteopathic Medicine in Lewisburg a state college. The bill passed 82-12 and the school would be known as the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine under control of the state board of regents.
Shopping Center
Project On Schedule
A “last blast” was scheduled this morning amid a huge limestone structure on the proposed Merry Hill Shopping Center site in preparation for the erection of the first building.
2000– 25 Years Ago
Nemitz Honored As West Virginia’s
Of The Year
James Nemitz, Ph.D., professor of anatomy at the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine has been named the West Virginia “Professor of the Year.”
Avery Johnson
Receives Award From Justice
Avery Johnson received a special achievement award for her work as an attorney with the Complaint Adjudication Office of the Civil Rights Division. Johnson is a 1987 graduate of Greenbrier East High School, a 1991 graduate of Virginia Tech, and a 1994 graduate of the University of Pittsburgh School of Law.
Kleisner Addresses
CIA Grads
Ted Kleisner, president and managing director of the world-famous Greenbrier resort, addressed the February graduating class of The Culinary Institute of America (CIA). At the commencement, Kleisner was presented the CIA’s Master of the Aesthetics of Gastronomy award, for his impact on the hospitality industry and for developing The Greenbrier into a world-renowned, award-winning operation.
DISCLAIMER: The articles in Echoes of the Past are printed in their entire original form, including typos.