1925– 100 Years Ago
Named It Paris
Facing the length of Main Street, Paris, Virginia, at the fork in the roads stands Ashby’s Tavern, an inn in Revolutionary days. Tradition claims that Lafayette, passing through the village, stopped at this hostelry for a glass of wine. Inquiring the name of the town and being told it had none, the Frenchman suggested “why not call it Paris?” And the town has borne that name since.
Toll From Cancer 99,000
Statistics given out by the Census Bureau at Washington, DC, indicates that cancer caused the death in the United States of 99,000 persons in 1923, against 95,000 ion 1922.
The Biggest Man
Opie Karnes, of Princeton, said to be the biggest man in West Virginia, has entered a Bluefield hospital for treatment. Mr. Karnes, under normal conditions, tips the scales at 525 lbs. He says he is a little skinny now, having fallen off 75 pounds in the last few weeks.
1950 – 75 Years Ago
Large Shanghai
The Shanghai Parade, distinctive feature of Lewisburg, was held again this year and was witnessed by the largest crowd assembled in Lewisburg since the unveiling of the Confederate Monument. The grand prize went to the float that carried the well described title of “Mountain Moonshine – The Long Arm of the Law” and was entered by Hanna Chevrolet.
Capitol Is 150
Sunday the nation’s capitol began its 150th anniversary. January 1, 1890 began the year in which the federal government of the United States was to moved for the ninth time since its creation. Congress had sat at New York, Lancaster, and York Towne, PA., Princeton, NJ, Annapolis, MD, and Philadelphia.
Another Don Bosco School
About 85 miles north of Lewisburg, a unique school has been in operation for nearly two years. The name Don Bosco Agricultural School. The aim to train young men in practical and scientific farming. The management of the school is in the hands of the Salesian Society, a philanthropic organization within the Catholic Church.
1975– 50 Years Ago
Poling Selected Man Of The Year
Hansel Poling, President of the Rupert Area Improvement Council, Inc., was selected “Man of The Year” by the Western Greenbrier Chamber of Commerce at Traveler’s Inn, west of Rainelle.
Swope Talks About History Of Alderson Bridge
Kenneth Swope, member of the Greenbrier Historical Society, spoke to the Women’s Club of Alderson and gave the history of crossing the Greenbrier River at Alderson, starting with the original fords and ferry two years before roads were developed. He also spoke of the advantages of keeping the old bridge from a historical standpoint.
Pendleton Heads March of Dimes
Randy Pendeton of Lilly Park in Rainelle has been named chairman of the Western Greenbrier area for the 1975 March of Dimes Drive. The Western area campaign will be under the sponsorship of the Rainelle Women’s Club.
2000– 25 Years Ago
Transition To Y2K Appears A-OK In Greenbrier County
The Y2K bug didn’t take much of a bite out of Greenbrier County. While some people have reported minor glitches in the dates on e-mail postings, all major computer-driven systems worked as expected when the date rolled over to 01/01/00.
Investment Affiliate, Inc., Donates To GVT Campaign
Greenbrier Valley Theatre’s board of directors has announced a gift from Investment Affiliate, Inc., of Lewisburg. Drew Kagan, president and CEO of Investment Affiliate, Inc., remarked, “I have lived in several major cities and smaller towns as well. The GVT productions are certainly comparable in quality to those of the larger cities and most small towns have no theatre at all. We are most lucky to have GVT with this quality here in such a serene setting.”
Richlands Ruritans Name Hume Volunteer Of The Year
Paris Hume was named Volunteer of The Year at the Richlands Ruritan Christmas dinner meeting. Hume has been a recognized leader in education in Greenbrier County as a teacher, coach, staff member of the board of education and principal of Greenbrier East High School.
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