Dear Recycle Lady,
After all packages are opened on Christmas day there is always a pile of ribbons and bows left. Are ribbons or bows recyclable? Loves Christmas
Dear Loves Christmas,
Ribbons and bows make packages festive and pretty, but they are definitely a no-no for recycling. Ribbons are hazardous as one ribbon entangled in any of the baling equipment brings everything to a halt. Bows are less hazardous to equipment than ribbons, but they usually have a plastic component and a glue that sticks the bows to the packages. Both of these components make bows a contaminate and non-recyclable. Please do not take ribbons, bows, twine, or anything long and stringy to a recycling center. Next Christmas when you are opening packages keep a bag or box handy for collecting the bows and ribbons. They can be reused many times!
Dear Recycle Lady,
All the decorations have been taken off my beautiful cut Christmas tree and I am now wondering if there is any way it can be reused. Looking for Information
Dear Looking for Information,
According to, there are several creative ways to turn your tree into something useful. Your tree could become a bird feeder by leaning it up against another tree or by finding a way to keep it upright. Just add some peanut butter, birdseed, or suet to the branches. The birds will love the snack! If there is a chipping service available, your tree can be turned into mulch and spread around your garden or yard. The organic material suppresses weeds, helps to retain moisture and can add a little extra protection during the cold months. If your tree can be cut into pieces, it can be used for firewood or if the pieces are small, they can be added to your compost pile. Next Christmas, consider a live tree that can be planted in your yard after the holidays.
Dear Readers,
Please remember to remove all cards, wrapping paper, ribbon, Styrofoam peanuts, bubble wrap and plastic wrappings from any boxes before bringing them to the Recycle center. None of these items will recycle and they can contaminate an entire load of cardboard. Thanks for helping out with this. The Recycling Center greatly appreciates the many recyclers who clean, sort and deposit items in the correct bins.
Interesting Information: The Atlantic Equatorial Water, a huge hidden water mass that blends northern and southern currents, was rediscovered using robotic floats. It helps move heat and nutrients across the globe, showing how even “invisible” forces shape our planet. It’s a vital climate regulator! (
Wishing Everyone a Safe, Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.
Have questions about recycling or interesting information about recycling? Send questions or requests to Dear Recycle Lady is sponsored jointly by the Greenbrier Recycling Center and Greenworks Recycling.