As a resident of White Sulphur Springs and WV I share the concern of many citizens I come in contact with both in WSS and the area concerning the qualifications Jim Justice holds in representing the State of WV. NO politician should be allowed in office that owes delinquent taxes PERIOD. The fact that Justice has failed the employees of the Greenbrier so completely in his failure to pay insurance monies already withheld from their paychecks should land him in jail!! I call for a full audit of his business practices. If one side of his business practices is bad, most likely the other side will present questionable practices as well. Rumors abound about his raiding the pensions of the Greenbrier employees as well as the current issues with meeting payroll and paying health insurance of his employees. Accountability needs to be shown. But most of all, Justice should withdraw from any political arena as he has disgraced the State of WV. He is not fit to represent our State.
MJ Oref