OAK HILL, W.Va. (WVDN) – State Treasurer Riley Moore announced his Office’s Unclaimed Property Division returned nearly $152,000 to New River Health in Fayette County.
“Since the fiscal year began, my Office has returned more than $15.7 million worth of unclaimed property back to West Virginia citizens, businesses and organizations,” Treasurer Moore said. “I am proud to reunite New River Health with their lost funds, and I encourage everyone to keep checking www.WVUnclaimedProperty.gov to see if you have money to claim.”
New River Health had two claims with the Office, valued at $151,754.27 total. The funds consisted of stale dated checks that were turned over to the state’s Unclaimed Property Division.
“As CEO of New River Health, I find financial challenges a daily struggle,” New River Health CEO John R. Schultz said. “We provide care for thousands and employ 150 people. Income from patient services and grants rarely offset the costs we incur. Discovering how easy it was to file for unclaimed property from the State Treasurer’s Office was a bright spot in this ongoing challenge.
“I encourage business owners and individuals to file for unclaimed property, regardless of whether they think it might exist – New River Health is proof it is worth the time spent to investigate. Thank you to everyone in the State Treasurer’s Office who assisted us in receiving these unclaimed property claims.”
The Treasurer’s Office has more than $430 million worth of unclaimed property listings in its database. Currently, Fayette County has nearly 73,000 unclaimed property listings worth more than $8 million.
For more information about the unclaimed property program or to find out if the Office is holding any money for you, visit www.WVUnclaimedProperty.gov.