GREENBRIER COUNTY W.Va. (WVDN) – The Greenbrier Artists continue to hold regular demos and workshops to keep their skills sharp. Recent classes have been held on unique watercolor techniques led by Brenda Rivers, and a special Valentine’s card demo by Sharon Ginsburg.
Some of the workshop leaders are also musical, including Brenda Rivers and John Telisko who provided background music for the art group during their December meeting.
Upcoming workshops will include a watercolor mix demo by Jeanne Brenneman and an oil class led by John Telisko.
If anyone is interested in joining the group, meetings are each Thursday at 9:30 a.m. in Kellar Studio at Carnegie Hall. It is open to all levels of artists or artist “wannabees.”
The group has been meeting to paint, learn new techniques and promote art in the community for 50 years.
Watch for more information concerning their 50th anniversary year. They are currently planning a show in August at the Visitor’s Center and their big 50th Celebration show in October.