GREENBRIER COUNTY W.Va. (WVDN) – The Greenbrier County Commission met on Jan. 9. Beginning of the calendar year activities were conducted including business hours and days for the calendar.
Courthouse hours will be 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. County commission meetings will be held on the second and fourth Tuesdays during the year except for Wednesday, Jan. 24 (replacing 1/22) and Thursday, Feb. 14 (replacing 2/12). All meetings are scheduled for 10 a.m.
The West Virginia State calendar of holidays is adopted for the County offices.
Committee assignments for the Commissioners are continued as they were last year.
The full Commission is continued as the Arts and Recreation allocation committee, Community Correction Commission (with Home Confinement, Day Report and Court System), the Court Security Committee with court security grant applications, and the Redistricting Committee.
Commissioner Tammy Tincher will be part of the Airport Authority, the Greenbrier Humane Society, the 4H Advisory Board, the Farmland Protection Board and the Convention and Visitors Bureau Board.
Commissioner Lowell Rose will act as a board member for the Board of Health, the Economic Development Board, and the Region 4 Development and Planning Board.
Commissioner Blaine Philips will act as a board member on the local Emergency Planning Commission, Region 1 Work Force, Local Elected Officials Board and the Greenbrier County Planning Commission.
Any and all Commissioners may attend any county board meetings, but the assigned commissioner has voting rights as a member of those Commissions.
The Board of Equalization and Review (E&R) will be holding hearings for the Assessor to decide on protested property assessments. To get a hearing the property owner must schedule through the Assessor’s office and will be placed on the agenda for one of the following dates: Feb. 2, 7, or 12 at 9 a.m., Feb.15 at 10 a.m., Feb. 21 and 26 at 9 a.m. The last date if needed will be following the County Commission meeting on Feb. 27 after the 10 a.m. meeting concludes.
On Feb. 27 at 11 a.m. is the Oil and Gas hearing.
In other Commission business Fiduciary Supervisor Cindy Alley presented eight estates for settlement and all were approved by the Commission.
Arts and Rec grant funds were approved for payment of $15,010.99 to the Greenbrier County Libraries of Lewisburg, Rupert, Ronceverte and White Sulphur Springs. Williamsburg Community Action was cleared for $3,679.99 for the Williamsburg Community Fair. Alderson Main Street was approved for $337.50 expense on music events and Meadow River Trail was allotted funds that will be reimbursed to the Arts and Rec account by AML and TAP grant money.
Greenbrier County Sheriff Bruce Sloan recommended a new hire for a vacancy in the home confinement office, and Jeffrey Snyder was approved by the County Commission for this position.
A new hire for the Greenbrier County tax office was approved, out of 40 applicants. Haley Holiday has been selected as tax deputy.
For the record, a separation of employment was acknowledged. Olivia Sims had worked as an assistant extension agent for the 4H Extension office through a full season of activities. Her separation of employment is acknowledged as Jan. 2.
Curtis Crookshanks was recommended and accepted to be reappointed to Public Service District #2. Discussion about why the calendar year, and not the county year is the appointment term for District #2 left the commission thinking about changing that sometime in the future to be a July-June term like other county commissions.
Senator Vince Deeds’ request for unpaid leave of absence to attend the State Legislature session from Jan. 8 through March 9 was approved by the Commission. This arrangement to retain county employees who have been elected to office, by allowing leave of absence without pay, is a rule in the employee handbook.