GREENBRIER COUNTY W.Va. (WVDN) – The Greenbrier Valley Master Gardeners, a service offered by the WVU Extension Office, elected the 2024 slate of officers at their January business meeting. Elected officers include Presidents Ray and Mary Ratliff, Vice President Tracey Szajgin, Secretary Janice Duncan, Treasurer Bre Renner, Communications Debbie Floyd, Programs Lucy Bell, Extension Office Liaison Bob Hammond, Publicity Chair Vanessa Price and State Representative Leann Montgomery, Alternate State Representative Grace Boxwell and Volunteer Coordinator Willa Izzo.
West Virginia Master Gardeners are a unique group of volunteers trained in agricultural and horticultural topics to provide an effective network of gardening programs and activities to enhance our communities.
The Greenbrier Valley Master Gardeners meet on the second Thursday of each month. The business meeting starts at 5:30 p.m., and an educational program follows.
If you have a keen interest in gardening, a desire to help others and would like more information on becoming a Master Gardener, call Mary Dameron at the Greenbrier County Extension Office at 304-647-7408.