LEWISBURG, W.Va. (WVDN) – Canning is a great way to enjoy local fruits and vegetables all year round. However, it is important that canning equipment is kept in peak condition, and canners follow the most up-to-date information to get the most out of their canning efforts.
WVU Extension’s Greenbrier County office will offer a free Canning 101 workshop on Wednesday, July 12, from 6-8 p.m. at the WVU Building at the State Fair of West Virginia. WVU Extension also offers free dial gauge pressure canner testing for those who bring their dial gauge attached to the lid to the workshop or to the WVU Extension Greenbrier County office.
Taking the necessary steps — like having canner gauges tested, making sure to know what to pressure can and what to process in a boiling water bath — helps reduce the chance of food spoilage. Incorrect processing procedures (pressure can or water bath) may allow jars to seal, but they may have sealed in bacteria. There are new bacteria every day that can cause serious illness. This informational workshop is great for beginners, giving them step-by-step instructions.
To register for the free Canning 101 workshop, contact the WVU Extension office at 304-647-7408, email Andi Hoover at andrea.hoover@mail.wvu.edu or stop by the WVU Extension Service Greenbrier County office, located on Maplewood Avenue across from the State Fair entrance.
For more information on canning, call Extension agent Andi Hoover 304-647-7408, email andrea.hoover@mail.wvu.edu or visit the WVU Greenbrier County Extension Service Facebook page.