LEWISBURG, W.Va. (WVDN) – The Lewisburg in Bloom committee has announced its annual plant sale fundraiser has begun.
Red dragon wing begonias are for sale for $6.50 each for a 5.5-inch pot.
These official Lewisburg begonias are the same ones seen in the hanging baskets in downtown Lewisburg.
Drive-through plant pick-up will be held at Dorie Miller Park at shelter No. 2 on Friday, May 12, from 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
Order by emailing Shannon Beatty at sbeatty@lewisburg-wv.org or calling 304-645-2080. Please, leave your contact phone number and email address when placing your order. All orders must be placed via the above email address or telephone number. No orders will be taken on Facebook Messenger.