How To Get Into Print
News Articles
General Information
- The newspaper welcomes news submissions from readers. Articles may be:
- mailed (PO Box 471, Lewisburg, WV 24901)
- faxed (645-7104)
- e-mailed (
- or dropped off (200 S. Court St., Lewisburg)
- A single copy of an article is sufficient for both The West Virginia Daily News and the West Virginian.
- Everything submitted to the newspaper is subject to editing
- News articles run on a “space available” basis. The space that is left on each page once the paid advertisements are blocked out is that day’s available news space.
- The newspaper runs articles without charge; you must pay for advertisements.
Writing Tips
- Either type or legibly print your article, using upper and lower case letters (NOT all caps). If possible, double-space between lines to allow room for copy editing marks.
- The basic elements of a news article are: Who, What, When, Where and Why. Make sure your story includes all five W’s.
- Write your news article in the third person (he, they, their), not the first person (I, we, our).
- Double-check the spelling of names and places mentioned in your story, and make sure the date(s) of your event matches the day(s).
- Always include the name and daytime telephone number of a contact person in case there are questions about the news item.
E-Mailed Articles
- The best way to send an article via the Internet is to include the text in the body of the e-mail. Text in Word format is acceptable, but the newspaper cannot accept Wordpad, WordPerfect or Publisher files.
- Do not send text as a jpg or any other type of graphic file. An accompanying picture should be sent as a high-resolution jpg.
- All display advertising copy, classified advertising, and news items about upcoming events must be in our offices no later than noon on Monday for Wednesday’s West Virginian.