GREENBRIER COUNTY W.Va. (WVDN) – On Tuesday, March 25, the Greenbrier County Commission met for its regular meeting. As usual, the meeting opened with the prelude and pledge, then moved on to the approval of the minutes from the last meeting.
The fiduciary supervisor set the approval of the settlement of seven estates before the commission. Among the transfers approved were several for the Greenbrier County Sheriff’s Department, including a $4,800 overtime budget revision.
One of the main topics was the 911 fee change. The fee is added to customers’ residential phone services. The fee has been $2 since 1995 and is no longer enough to keep adequate equipment. The new ordinance will raise the amount to $8. It had been discussed earlier at a public meeting, which had been set for Feb. 20 and published in a class 1 ad, on social media and the county’s website. At the public hearing, there were no comments against the new ordinance. Tammy Tincher made the motion, which passed unanimously. Tincher said that these upgrades are necessary for citizens’ safety, making these charges necessary.
Civil Air Patrol Captain Gabriel Bishop spoke to the Commission about receiving funding to revitalize the old Long John Silver building.
Steven Snider has been providing cadets with drone piloting classes once a month. This will be ongoing for six months. After that, a test must be taken for the cadets to get their license to fly drones.
The motion passed unanimously to fund the Civil Air Patrol revitalization project.