1925– 100 Years Ago
Measles Dangerous To Children
With hundreds of cases of measles on record with the state health department and reports of more cases coming in daily, State Health Commissioner Henshaw said yesterday that parents have too long looked upon measles as a necessary evil in childhood, and many parents needlessly expose their children to a disease that is generally more fatal than is generally supposed. It may be surprising to some to know that 8 out of every 100 children who contact measles between the ages of one and six die.
Chestnut Blight In Monroe
In cooperation with the State Department and Forest Service, the Bureau of Plant Industry is making a general survey of the present distribution and rate of the spread of chestnut blight.
From Rich Hollow
Everyone is busy at present plowing and getting spring work done. We all welcome the beautiful spring weather and hope that it will continue. The Hern School is progressing nicely under the teaching of Miss Mary Lewis Piercy. Mrs. C. S. Fultz made quite a nice lot of maple sugar this spring. Also Mrs. L. L. Persinger and Mrs. C. W. Ridgeway have made some too.
1950 – 75 Years Ago
Frank Rapp Wins
Franklin Rapp of Renick was the egg winner at the seventh annual Future Farmers of America ham, bacon and egg show held in Charleston last week.
Oak Wilt Malady
The State Conservation Commission said that West Virginia foresters have been alerted to be on the lookout for oak wilt, a highly fatal tree disease. The disease made its first appearance within the United States in Wisconsin in 1929.
Crawford Home Burns
The home of L. C. Crawford family at Crawley burned to the ground. The flames in the 12-room frame dwelling were discovered at about 9 a.m. by Mrs. Crawford but had so great a headway it could not be extinguished. The Crawford home known as the old George Sharp place had been completely remodeled and renovated and was one of the best in the area.
1975– 50 Years Ago
Nine Gallons A Week Considered
The House Ways and Means Committee is considering an energy program based on taxing heavily any American adult using more than nine gallons of gasoline a week.
Cavaliers of West In Regional Finals Tomorrow
Greenbrier West’s victory over Clarksburg Roosevelt-Wilson that put the Cavaliers into the Regional Finals had a special touch for head coach John Estep – it was his 100th career win since the school opened seven years ago.
Final Plans Made For Scholarship Fund Dinner
Dr. Richard Marshall of Lewisburg has announced final plans have been made for the Mountaineer Scholarship Fund Dinner. The featured speaker for the dinner will be Bob Hundley, former All-American basketball player at WVU and currently the announcer for the New Orleans Jazz of the National Basketball Association.
2000– 25 Years Ago
Tobacco Balances Budget
Eight days into extended and special session, the West Virginia Legislature finally passed a state budget Sunday night that is balanced because of the tobacco settlement money, according to Senate Finance Chairman Oshel Craigo, D-Putnam.
WVSOM Club Inspires Students To Avoid Using Tobacco Products
The “black, hairy tongue “made an impact” In an effort to dissuade teenagers from using tobacco products, medical students from the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine presented a program on the dangers of tobacco during an assembly at Eastern Junior High School. Among the slides shown was the “black, hairy tongue” which is actually a fungal infection of the tongue caused by tobacco use in which black, hair-like fungi cultivate and grow on the tongue.
Coach Asks Board’s Support For New EGJH Soccer Field
When he started coaching soccer last fall at Eastern Greenbrier Junior High School, Chris Hinkey was concerned because the school didn’t have an adequate facility for practice or for games. With this in mind, Hinkey said he decided to build a soccer field at EGJH; that field should be ready for play by this fall, he said. “We have raised funds through various fund-raisers, along with grants we received,” Hinkey said.
Student’s Artwork Selected For Museum Collection
Recently honored was Hamilton Ford, a fifth-grade student at Lewisburg Elementary School. His entry in the Youth Art Month Exhibit, sponsored by the Division of Culture and History has been selected as one of eight winners. Hamilton will receive a $50 gift certificate and his artwork will become part of the West Virginia State Museum Collection. The title of his drawing is “Boogie Woogie Piano Man.”
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