GREENBRIER COUNTY W.Va. (WVDN) – The Greenbrier County Commission met in regular session on Tuesday March 11.
As usual, the meeting started with the prelude and pledge and then the approval of the minutes from the last meeting. Two estates were up for final settlement and with everything being in order, the motion to approve passed.
Among recs and transfers was the $50,000 going to The Greenbrier Valley Theater for the 2025 season.
A big item on the agenda was rescinding the previously approved motion to distribute funds to the county’s fire and EMS departments. Commissioner Tincher explained this had been done at the explanation of the funds’ usage by the state. However, it was learned that EMS agencies were not eligible to receive the funding, only fire departments are to receive it. Therefore the decision was made to rescind the previous motion and make a new one including only the county’s 15 fire departments to each receive a part of the $54,487.64. That will make each department now get $3,632.51.
Also before the Commission was an invoice resolution for the Route 60 sewer project also known as the White Sulphur Springs TIF project. The funds of $304,636.89 were for Viper Contracting and E.L. Robinson Engineering for work done on the project. Approval is Tentative due To a $40 invoicing error. Upon submission of the correct invoice, the invoice will receive final approval.
There were two applications up before the Commission for consideration of the CSX Community Service Grants program. Applications are through the Greenbrier County Homeland Security and 911 Agency. Grants are for $5,000 each. The grants don’t have to be matched and if awarded will be used to purchase a drone.
A hearing open to the public regarding the county’s proposed amended 911 ordinance will be on Tuesday, March 25 at 9 a.m. The regular meeting of the Greenbrier County Commission will be after at 10 am.