RONCEVERTE W.Va. (WVDN) – The Ronceverte City Council held their monthly meeting on March 10 after it was originally scheduled for the 3rd, but due to illness that one was cancelled.
It had the biggest turnout that they have had in the last several months.
They opened up as they normally do with the approval of minutes from last meeting which were approved.
Ordinance 2025-01 which deals with modifications of tap and reconnecting fee. First reading at February meeting to update — new tap, reconnection — no questions or comments from council or attendees so it was approved.
Park and rec committee had no meeting this month as the meeting has been moved to April. Disc golf is proceeding toward completion, mini golf course moving forward, and the city received funding for placing picnic tables between the splash pad and children’s playground on the island. People can sit and enjoy while their kids play. The goal is to have it completed by this summer.
There was no wastewater related business at this time.
All that followed with an executive session where all meeting attendees moved to outside for about 4 to 5 minutes before being called back in by the Ronceverte police officers on duty.
The finance committee voted to approve the budget for this fiscal year.
Ordinance 2025-02 is an update to the police department hiring and approval policy for police chief. It references if the appointment of officers is the sole duty of the mayor or if they also need city council. Currently the mayor has sole reasoning. With this ordinance the city council would have to approve or disapprove hiring of the police chief. It deals with just the chief since he is the department head.
According to police chief Hopkins, there have been no reports of theft to the police department in Ronceverte for roughly six months.
The stray dogs getting loose have settled down, but chief Hopkins says most that do get loose have owners, they just get off the chain and get out of their own yard.
The police department will begin K-9 training around the first of June.
Council member comments began with general community clean up on April 5 per City Recorder, Leah Smith. It is going to focus on the armory, possibly just cleaning and focusing on the outside of the building for now.
The Accelerate team is working on a grant asking for funding for renovation efforts for the old Ronceverte Armory. The roof needs fixed first and the project is open for volunteers wanting to help out in the community per Smith.
Council member Tanya Hazelwood spoke up and urged citizens to get out and do something to help the town of Ronceverte rather than get on Facebook and blast the ones who are trying to help. She stressed that the council members were all there because they love the town of Ronceverte and want to see it continue to grow.
Council member Mark Trent also spoke and discussed how long it actually takes to build back a community in the way people want it to be. Between funding and the actual cleanup, it takes a lot longer than just the snap of a finger. He said he was willing to work with anyone and everyone that wanted to help and he too, wants the community to be as strong as ever as he grew up in Ronceverte and talked about his memories on the island as a kid.
The town also received $5,000 from WVU to help with armory clean up.
There will be a community easter egg hunt on April 19 where they will hide about 10,000 eggs and will have numerous other activities for the day so mark your calendars for that event.
Little league opening day in Lewisburg will be on April 11 and Ronceverte will have a full day of games on all fields beginning April 12.
Pam Mentz, of city administrator, said there will be a grant coming around May 1 that will provide microphones for the council members to use during their meetings, and also a microphone for the audience members that choose to speak. They will then get the technology needed to live stream the meetings.
One lady spoke up at the conclusion of the meeting and stated she would love to help volunteer for Ronceverte, but she did not feel safe being down there, especially at night. She mentioned she had her catalytic converter cut off her car and mentioned there were allegedly two houses there that need looked into by police.
The next meeting will be April 7.