LEWISBURG W.Va. (WVDN) – St. James Episcopal Church presents: A 5-Part Spring Lenten ‘Soup and Lecture’ Series: An Emerging Vision of Christianity for the 21st Century.
This series will focus on an emerging understanding of the Christian faith and how it “can change both our spiritual lives and communities of faith today.” Structured both for practicing Christians and others, this series explores the nature of the Divine, the role of Jesus in history and in people’s lives, modern perspectives on the Bible, and how prayer, worship, Sabbath, pilgrimage and more can be experienced as authentically life-giving practices.
Each lecture begins at 6 p.m. with a soup and bread dinner, followed by a 25-30 minute lecture with time for questions and discussion at the end. This series is free and open to the public.
The Lecture Series Schedule is as follows:
March 13: Ways to think (and un-think) about God; Traditional and Emerging Paradigms of Christianity
March 20: The Problem with Humanity and, subsequently, with Atonement: Is sin really the issue?
March 26: Who is Jesus in all this? History’s look at a Mystic, Healer, Teacher, and Movement Leader.
April 3: Where Does the Bible Fit? The (Non-Literal) Heart of the Tradition.
April 10: Living as a Christian; Prayer, Worship, Community, and a Better World.