LEWISBURG W.Va. (WVDN) – Greenbrier County Schools (GCS) will host preschool and kindergarten registration on two dates and locations for children who will be four years old before July 1, 2025, for preschool and five years old before July 1, 2025, for kindergarten. Students currently enrolled in a GCS Pre-K program will be automatically enrolled in kindergarten in their home school district; therefore, parents of GCS Pre-K students will not need to attend a registration session.
Preschool and Kindergarten registration will take place at the following locations:
March 18 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Greenbrier County Board of Education Office, Kyle & Ann Fort Center, 653 Church St., Lewisburg
March 19 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. at Western Greenbrier Middle School, 315 Timberwolf Drive, Crawley
What to bring (children do not need to be present to register):
Preschool parents should complete the online application at www.greenbriercountyschools.
Official State issued birth certificate (not a copy);
immunization record;
copy of the most current physical exam
copy of the most recent dental exam
two proofs of residency;
social security card of the child;
relevant custody order, if applicable;
Preschool parents should also bring proof of income and
Preschool parents should also bring a copy of their child’s insurance card
Questions regarding Pre-K enrollment can be directed to Jessica Pyne (WSS, Lewisburg, Ronceverte, Frankford & GEHS locations) or Sheri Adwell (Alderson, Rupert, Smoot, Rainelle & Crichton locations) at 304-647-7105. Parents may contact Nancy Hanna, Associate Superintendent, at 304-647-6470 with questions regarding Kindergarten registration.