CHARLESTON W.Va. (WVDN) – State regulators decided Monday that two electric utilities could continue current efforts to clear vegetation from rights-of-way, but said the program may be altered in the future.
The Public Service Commission of West Virginia said Appalachian Power Co. and Wheeling Power Co. could collect an additional $1.2 million in rates to pay for their vegetation management program.
However, it said the issues in this case would be reviewed thoroughly in a pending $250 million rate hike request from the companies. Hearings in that major rate case are set for July 17-19 in Charleston.
The Commission first approved a separate fee for vegetation management in 2014, but now says that procedure needs be studied to see if it should continue as it has been.
In this order, the Commission also said it “is very concerned” that the companies are unable to provide information requested by the Consumer Advocate Division on their worst-performing circuits. The information is required, the Commission said.
CAD was told the companies “do not track financial information by circuit and are therefore unable to provide the information as requested.”
“Failure to track information on the work scheduled and performed on those circuits is an unacceptable practice that should be corrected,” the Commission ruled.
More information on this case can be found on the PSC website: Click on “Case Information” and access Case No. 24-0415-E-P.