Recycle Lady,
Are empty paper towel rolls and toilet paper rolls recyclable? Do Hope So
Dear Do Hope So,
Yes, empty paper towel rolls, toilet paper rolls, and other rolls such as wrapping paper rolls are all recyclables as they are made from cardboard or recycled paper fibers. Be sure the rolls are clean and free of contaminants before you put them in the cardboard bin. Empty and clean cardboard rolls are also compostable as brown material, similar to dead leaves, sticks and wood chips. Cut or tear them into small pieces and wet them before adding them to your compost pile. If your rolls are not wet, they will take a very long time to decompose. Paper towel rolls and toilet paper rolls are also biodegradable. If they are shredded, wet and exposed to air, empty rolls degrade in three or four months. If not exposed to air, as covered in a landfill, it can take years for them to degrade.
Dear Recycle Lady,
There have been several articles lately about food waste. Why so much concern? Curious
Dear Curious,
According to the UNEP Food Waste Index Report 2024, “The global estimate of food waste at retail and consumer level in 2022 was 1.05 billion tons (1,050,000,000), or almost one-fifth of all food available to consumers. This included 60% household waste, 28% food services waste and 12% retail waste.” It also reported that “household waste was over 1 billion meals a day.” With millions of people worldwide facing hunger and food insecurity, this food waste is a tragedy. According to, when food is discarded, all inputs used in producing, processing, transporting, preparing and storing discarded food are also wasted. That translates to immense waste of water, energy, fuels, human manpower and ultimately, our money! Food waste also impacts climate change as it generates Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions, methane and greenhouse gases.
Dear Recycle Lady,
When I receive my prescriptions, they are packaged in a white paper bag. Are these white paper bags recyclable with office paper? Shopper
Dear Shopper,
Yes, your white paper bags are recyclable with office paper, and I am happy to say that today almost every kind of single-use bag is recyclable. Brown paper bags are recyclable with cardboard and single-use plastic bags are recyclable at Kroger, Walmart or Lowes. Have you considered taking your own bags when shopping, especially to the grocery store? Many sizes and shapes are available that are attractive and environmentally friendly. It takes a while to get accustomed to taking your own bags, but it is worth the effort.
Kudos to White Sulphur Girl Scout Troop 51150, who are now recycling plastic film for the Trex challenge. They are the fifth local group to accept this challenge to recycle 1,000 pounds of plastic film and receive a Trex bench for their efforts.
Interesting Information: Oysters are incredible ocean cleaners as they filter up to 50 gallons of water every day to remove algae, nutrients, and other particles. This helps improve water quality and supports healthy marine ecosystems. Rising ocean acidity prompts more oysters to become female. This phenomenon isn’t shell gossip—it can impact oyster populations and coastal ecosystems, reminding us that climate change really spares no corner of marine life. (
Have questions about recycling, or interesting information about recycling? Send questions or requests to Dear Recycle Lady is sponsored jointly by the Greenbrier Recycling Center and Greenworks Recycling.