1925– 100 Years Ago
New Prison
A budget of $909,000 for construction at Alderson, WV, of the new federal industry institution for women as been transmitted to Congress. Accommodations will be provided for 250 inmates, with an ultimate capacity of 500 planned.
Nelson Fuel Co. Has Champion
Now comes the Nelson Fuel Co. of Leslie, Greenbrier County, to dispute the championship coal loading record set by Walter E. Harrah of Morganett. The record shows that Harrah averaged 24 ½ tons per eight hour shift for a month, but H. S. Nelson, superintendent of the Nelson Fuel Co. says he can produce a miner from his operation that loaded 26 4/10 tons per day for 27 consecutive days or 715 tons in one month.
Glee Clubs
The Glee Clubs from Amherst and Harvard colleges have been engaged to play at The Greenbrier during the spring season.
From Trout
The weather is unusually nice and our farmers are getting busy plotting their fields for the 1925 crops, and are rigging up the old plow so work can begin early.
1950 – 75 Years Ago
Another Stop Light
The Lewisburg Town Council has installed a traffic light at the intersection of Court and Foster streets. The traffic light at the intersection of Greenbrier and Lee has been replaced with a caution.
More Calories
Dry beans have more calories than any other vegetable. Next highest are green lima beans, sweet potatoes, corn and green peas
Dress Sale
Schughat’s Greenbrier Mercantile Co. is having a special cotton dress sale, February 17-25. New spring cotton dresses just received in the advertised bands of McKettrick’s Jonathan Logan, Jay Day and Cotton Club priced $7.95 to $16.50.
1975– 50 Years Ago
Bendix Begins Move
Sheet metal and machine shop personnel of The Bendix Corporation’s Process Instruments Division began moving into new divisional plant facilities in Lewisburg. The new facility is a 91,000-square foot pre-engineered steel structure which will eventually house approximately 300 employees.
Farmer Mac’s New Food Store
Lewisburg’s newest supermarket, Farmer Mac’s Foods, Inc., will open in late March in what is now A&P Supermarket building on S. Jefferson St.
New River Protected
The New River in West Virginia would be protected from the controversial Blue Ridge power project under an amendment approved by a one vote margin in the state Senate. The proposal would add New River to the state’s Natural Streams Preservation Act. The act prohibits construction of large dams as Appalachian Power Co.’s Blue Ridge facility proposed near Galax, VA.
Jeb Stuart Paints Nixon Administration
Watergate conspirator Jeb Stuart Magruder painted the Nixon Administration as a power-hungry regime which would have evolved into “perpetual presidency” if not for the national scandal. “We treat our presidents as kings,” he said, and the president’s staff becomes accustomed to the trappings of royalty.
2000– 25 Years Ago
Bear Dinner Announced For Williamsburg School
The 37th annual bear dinner will be held on March 4 at the Williamsburg Elementary School. The menu consists of ham, buttered potatoes, corn, brown beans, cole slaw, homemade corn pones, bread and cake, tea, coffee and milk. Free bear meat is served with the meal.
Greenbrier Episcopal School
An independent school backed by a 120-year tradition of excellence is now open in Lewisburg and is taking applications for 00-01, K-5.
Preparing For Death Workshop Set For GCCC
On February 26, a workshop titled “Preparing for Your Death” will be held in the auditorium of the Greenbrier Community College in Lewisburg. “The scope of this workshop is limited to immediate decisions that need to be made around the time of death,” said Chris Chanlett, president of the Memorial Society.
DISCLAIMER: The articles in Echoes of the Past are printed in their entire original form, including typos.