Mark Thomas Petro to Billie Kim Huffman;
Thomas William Held to Karee Jo Diem.
Land Transfers
J. Wade Thomas and Evelyn Thomas to Ryan Woodrum, 0.716 acre, Frankford District;
Danny J. Arnett to Tangela L. (Arnett) Jones, 1.51 acre, Meadow Bluff District;
Emmanuel Open Bible Church by Trustees to Zachary Ryan Yates, .546 acre, Frankford District;
Ann Foley Rapp to Kathleen Foley O’Brien, 0555 acre, Frankford District;
Cody R. Crutcher and Mary Beth Crutcher to Ryan C. Quinn, Lot Number 12, Fort Spring District;
Nathan Hersman to Montani Semper Liberi Development LLC, 1.057 acres, Lewisburg Corp. District;
Montani Semper Liberi Development LLC to Nathan Hersman, 1.065 acre, Lewisburg Corp. District;
Michael Steiner to Rachel Bookstein, 13520 Square Feet, Lewisburg Corp. District.