NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE is hereby given pursuant to and by virtue of the authority vested in the Substitute Trustee, WV Trustee Services, LLC, by that certain Deed of Trust dated January 17, 2014, executed by Borrower, Nicholas Hamrick, to David M. Moore, the Trustee of record in the office of the Clerk of the County Commission of Greenbrier County, West Virginia, in Book 727, at Page 76. At the time of the execution of the Deed of Trust, this property was reported to have a mailing address of 128 Sassafras Road, Alderson, WV 24910. WV Trustee Services, LLC were appointed as Substitute Trustees by APPOINTMENT OF SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE dated January 24, 2019, of record in the Clerk’s Office in Book 805, Page 8. The borrower defaulted under the Note and Deed of Trust and the Substitute Trustees have been instructed to foreclose under the Deed of Trust. Accordingly, the Substitute Trustees will sell the following described property to the highest bidder at the front door of the Courthouse of Greenbrier County, in Lewisburg, West Virginia, on the following date:
6th day of March, 2025 at 11:30 a.m.
All those certain lots, tracts or parcels of land together with the buildings and improvements thereon, easements, rights of way, and the appurtenances thereunto belonging situate on the headwaters of snake Run in Blue Sulphur District, Greenbrier County, West Virginia and more particularly bounded and described as follows: First Tract: Beginning at a corner by the road on a white oak, corner to Lewis and Holcomb, thence to the latter S 75 1/2 E 21 1/2 poles to a small bridge, thence N 78 E 7 1/2 poles to a small maple and two small red oaks by the road, S 75 1/2 E 17 poles to a maple and two small chestnuts by the side of the road, thence N 57 1/2 E 28 poles to a stone, a corner to Ferguson, thence N 26 E 29 1/2 poles to a buckeye in a drain corner to Lewis and thence N 85 W 19 1/2 poles to a white walnut below the road, thence with road S 66 W 24 poles to a maple and buckeye, a corner to the tract thence S 58 1/2 W 48 1/2 poles to the beginning and containing 11 acres and 18 poles Second Tract: Beginning at two white oaks, corner to Lewis S 52 W 29 poles to a double chestnut at brink of hill S 51 W 13 1/4 poles to two white oaks on the brink of a hill, S 24 W 35 poles to an apple tree by the road, thence with the meanderings of the said road S 68 1/2 E 15 poles to a stake S 74 E 22 poles to two white oaks, thence leaving the road N 58 E 42 poles to a buckeye, a corner to Lewis and thence S 24 W 29 poles to the beginning and containing 12 acres 13 poles, more or less. Third Tract: Beginning at two white oaks a corner to J. F. Hedrick`s other lands S 52 W 29 poles to a double chestnut on brink of hill N 79 W 17 1/2 poles to a chestnut and chestnut oak S 51 W 13 1/4 poles to two white oaks on brink of hill, thence through the survey N 62 poles to center of water hole thence E uphill 37 poles to four maples growing on one stump on a flat, thence S 104 poles to the place of beginning and containing 18 acres, more or less. There is excepted and reserved from the hereinabove described real estate, that certain tract or parcel of land which was previously conveyed unto H.M. Livesay by deed dated April 30, 1959 of record in Deed Book 206 at Page 93, and described as follows: Beginning at a locust post on the public road, east of the Hamrick Store, running with the road N 60 E 32 poles to a fence post, north side of road, leaving same N 80 W 8 poles to fence corner post in the field; S 60 W 18 poles to a large sweet cherry; N 23 W 5 poles, crossing the branch to a large white oak; thence N 21 W 15 poles to a maple hill top; N 20 E 73 poles to maple corner to the “Old Lewis Place” and with line of same S 84 W 34 poles to a white oak and corner post by a spring; S 30 W 82 poles to a white oak by the farm road and with the meanderings of said road, S 30 E 20 poles; S 30 E 10 poles; S 36 E 14 poles; thence N 82 E 16 poles to a post by the branch, thence crossing same S 45 E 7 poles to the beginning, containing 22 acres and 80 poles, more or less. There is also excepted and reserved from the hereinabove described real estate that certain tract or parcel of land which was conveyed unto James N Bryan and Emma Bryant by deed dated February 19, 1959, and of record in Deed Book 205 at Page 439, and described as follows: Beginning at the Ash (corner) on upper hank of the State Road and running through the Hamrick lands S 2 W 32 poles to a stake near the hilltop; thence S 65 E 6 1/2 (six and one-half) poles to oak on the George Hamrick line and with same N 28 E 27 poles to “The Buckeye Stump” on line of the Bryant`s home place, close by the walled-up Spring; thence with said line N 82 W 19 poles to the beginning. There is further excepted and reserved from the hereinabove described real estate, that certain tract or parcel of land which was previously conveyed unto Cecil Hamrick and Frank Hamrick by deed dated September 12, 1946, and of record in Deed Book 156 at Page 07, and described as follows: Starting at a project road marker No. 5262 running west on the north side of public road to southwest corner of garden; thence north by west end of garden about 60 yards from the road to a line between a maple and a white oak east about 125 yards to a white oak corner marked; southeast to a white oak corner marked thence southeast 55 yards, to a white oak corner marked then south 25 yards to the place of beginning, containing about two acres to be the same more or less. There is further excepted and reserved from the hereinabove described real estate, that certain tract or parcel of land which was previously conveyed unto Joyce G. Parker by deed dated May 30, 2003, and of record in Deed Book 483 at Page 73, and described as follows: Beginning at a red oak on the N 57.5 E line, thence, N 57.5 13 three hundred twelve feet to stone near red maple, corner to Ferguson line; thence, N 35 thirty-seven feet to red oak, corner to George Hamrick and Emma Simms Bryant corner; thence N 62 W one hundred fourteen point five feet to locust post; thence N 3 W ninety six feet to white oak (line to Emma Simms Bryant); thence, S 82.5 W seventy-seven point five feet to white oak; thence S 56 W one hundred five feet to white oak; thence S 36 W one hundred eleven feet to forked white oak; thence, S 13 W sixty two feet to a stump with a metal stake; thence, back to the beginning. Included in this conveyance in Deed Book 483 at Page 73 is a twenty foot right of way described as follows: Beginning at the center at the center line of the county road thus; N 40 W 201 ft., thence N 2 W, 28 ft., thence, N 45 E 126 ft. thence, N 64 E 67 ft., thence S 5 E 87 ft., thence, S 80 E 27 ft., ending at the property line. And being the same property conveyed unto Nicholas Hamrick by deed dated January 8, 2014 from Daniel L. Hamrick and Marion Hamrick, and recorded in the Office of the Greenbrier County Clerk in Deed Book 562, at Page 415.
1) The property will be conveyed in an “AS IS” physical condition by Deed containing no warranty, express or implied, subject to the Internal Revenue Service right of redemption, all property taxes, prior Deeds, liens, reservations, encumbrances, restrictions, rights-of-ways, easements, covenants, conveyances and conditions of record in the Clerk’s office or affecting the subject property.
2) The Purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the transfer taxes imposed by the West Virginia Code § 11-22-1.
3) The Beneficiary and/or the Servicer of the Deed of Trust and Note reserve the right to submit a bid for the property at sale.
4) The Trustee reserves the right to continue sale of the subject property from time to time by written or oral proclamation, which continuance shall be in the sole discretion of the Trustee.
5) The Trustee shall be under no duty to cause any existing tenant or person occupying the property to vacate said property, and any personal property and/or belongings remaining at the property after the foreclosure sale will be deemed to constitute ABANDONED PROPERTY AND WILL BE DISPOSED OF ACCORDINGLY.
6) The total purchase price is payable to the Trustee within thirty (30) days of the date of sale, with ten (10%) of the total purchase price payable to the Trustee at sale.
WV Trustee Services, LLC, Substitute Trustee
Jim Ashley, Limited Signing Officer
WV Trustee Services, LLC
McGuire Office Center
618 Tenth Street, Suite 108
Huntington, WV 25701
(304) 853-3336