RONCEVERTE W.Va. (WVDN) – Back in November of 2023, The Ronceverte Food Pantry received word that there was mold in the Clifford Armory where they are located after an anonymous letter claimed the building smelled “musty.”
However, according to Pastor Jeff Cherry, a main contact and leader of the pantry, they stayed put in the area to continue to provide meals for the community that relied on them consistently.
Allegedly, in April of 2024, the food pantry received another report from the city of Ronceverte about the building, but there was allegedly no information given about the mold. Then, on June 12, a letter was sent to the pantry signed by city administrator Pamela Mentz and Ronceverte mayor Deena Pack stating that the food pantry has until August 1, to find a new location. The letter, obtained by The West Virginia Daily News, cited the report sent by the WV Environmental Protection and the Office of Environmental Remediation.
The letter stated, “Please be advised that the City of Ronceverte has received a report from, [the] WV Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Environmental Remediation, upon testing and examination of the Clifford Armory, that multiple remediation efforts are necessary for the building. These remediation efforts include but are not limited to, complete and thorough cleaning of all areas.” It goes on to say that once necessary efforts are complete, the city will move forward with internal and external structural studies.
According to the letter, these efforts are part of the ongoing effort to “repurpose the Clifford Armory as a true community center for Ronceverte and its citizens.” It further notes that due to these changes, the letter serves as notice that the city is ending the rental agreement for the food pantry’s space inside the Clifford Armory.
This letter, particularly the timeframe, reportedly blindsided Cherry and the rest of the food pantry staff.
“We have a problem trying to find somewhere else to go,” Cherry said.
“We are looking at several places, but what we really do not want is the city as a landlord again because obviously, it did not work out well,” Cherry said.
Cherry went on to stress the importance of having the local food pantry and was deeply concerned for a couple of groups of people.
“The senior citizens and some of their grandchildren and the fixed-income people really need it. They aren’t just showing up each time to get a free meal just to do it, they really need the help that we can give them, so that is my biggest concern,” Cherry stated.
“We will eventually find somewhere to go and be okay, but those elderly people and their grandchildren are suffering. We are looking at least at a possible six to seven months before finding a new location,” Cherry concluded.
Stay tuned for updates in the next several weeks here at WVDN.