LEWISBURG, W.Va. (WVDN) – During the May 9 meeting of the Greenbrier County Commission, legal counsel Britt Ludwig presented several considerations.
The Gig Ready Broadband Project received a grant from the West Virginia Development Office, allowing contracts to be signed with Thompson and Litton for professional services. A letter of understanding was also established with Region 4 Development Council to act as project administrator. A subrecipient agreement with Public Service District 2 for the county’s $2.5 million contribution, as required by the American Rescue Plan Act, will be drafted and signed. The project’s total cost is $20.3 million for project #2022-W-2132.
The Commission entered an executive session to consult with Ludwig and returned with a motion to file a petition with the Circuit Court of Greenbrier County regarding the enforcement of contractual terms.
Adam Wanger Contracting was awarded the construction bid for a $2,710,360 addition to the Greenbrier County Health Department facility. SEGRA was awarded the phone service contract based on cost and meeting all county needs, as reported by Commission assistant Kelly Banton. Commissioner Lowell Rose noted that the existing phone equipment, in use since 2008, needs updating.
Lawrence Company of Roanoke, Virginia, was chosen as the moving company for transferring records and furnishings between old and new sections of the courthouse.
Mountain Transit Authority received a $10,000 annual funding grant to help meet federal grant requirements. The transit service currently links Pocahontas and Greenbrier counties and is considering expanding to Western Greenbrier.
Destiny Hurley was approved as a new hire for the Greenbrier County 911 Center, and Tracy Posten was approved as an administrative assistant for the Greenbrier County Office of Emergency Management.
May was proclaimed Ruritan Awareness Month for Greenbrier County, celebrating 95 years of service by the Ruritan National. The county currently has nine clubs with 184 members.
It was announced that public hearings on new FEMA flood maps and flood ordinance updates will be held in July, with dates and locations to be published in local papers.