August 16-Nov. 2 – Absentee application period – eligible absentee voters can send an absentee ballot application to their county clerk in person, by mail, or electronically. Military or overseas voters who applied absentee in the primary election will automatically receive a ballot for the general election.
Sept. 23 – County clerks begin mailing absentee ballots to voters from whom they received applications
Oct. 18 – Voter registration deadline
Oct. 26–Nov. 5 – Early voting in person – voter may vote an early ballot at the county courthouse, an annex or a designated community voting location during normal business hours.
Nov. 1 – Nov. 8 at 12 p.m. – Receive requests for emergency absentee ballot – This falls under the below circumstances:
- voter in the hospital on election Day
- Replacement poll worker appointed after the period for Early Voting
- voter in licensed health care facilities within an adjacent county or within 35 miles of the county seat (county policy required)
- voter in nursing home within the county if he or she has resided there for a period of less than 30 days (county policy required)
- voter becomes confined, on or after the seventh day
Nov. 2 – Deadline for absentee ballot applications
Nov. 5 – Deadline for early voting in person
Nov. 7 – Deadline for hand-deliver absentee ballot to the clerk’s office
Nov. 8 – Election Day
Nov. 8 – Absentee ballots received electronically from eligible voters accepted – Absentee ballots submitted electronically by eligible military and overseas voters and eligible voters with physical disabilities are accepted by close of polls.
Nov. 9 – Absentee ballots without postmark accepted
Nov. 14 – Absentee ballots postmarked by Election Day accepted