The Ladies of the Henning Church of God met on Tuesday, Sept. 13, in the church fellowship hall for their regular monthly meeting. President Carole Spencer presided, and Barb Seldomridge led in prayer.
Dyan Hefner brought the devotion about the Fruits of the Spirit with scripture reference Galatians 5:22-23. The day will arrive and most of us have deadlines to meet. Because of calvary, we are free to choose how we accept it. There is love and no occasion that warrants hate and bitterness. There is joy created by God for human beings and with peace, we can live forgiven. We all need patience and should not complain about the inconveniences of the world such as a long wait. While we are waiting, use that time to pray. We need to show kindness and goodness to everyone. We should not question faithfulness of others. We need to be gentle, for nothing is won by force, the only time a voice should be raised is because of praise. We also need self-control which is influenced by God. We should commit each day to God and when we succeed, thank him, and when we fail, ask forgiveness.
Barbara Seldomridge shared about Corey, Abby, Olivia, Simeon and Declan Stocksdale, missionary family to Botswana, Africa. This is another Church of God missionary family that we are going to pray for. The Stocksdale family have a community outreach and a cross cultural ministry. They also participate in the Child of Promise. Corey felt called at 16 when in Orlando at a conference. Abby felt called at the same place at a different time. They both attended college in Anderson, In. They married in 2007. Recently while in Botswana, Abby went to the doctor who discovered a nodule on her thyroid. A biopsy was done, and they waited a full week to discover it was benign. She needed to go to the United States for surgery and during this time their traveling permit was running out. During the last hour of the last day, God answered their prayers, and the permit was renewed. Abby had surgery and has made a full recovery. All the family has returned to the United States for home assignment.
Jamie Harvey gave the treasurer’s report and Pauline Perkins read last month’s minutes.
Carole Spencer read a letter from Christian’s Woman Connection about receiving over $1,600 from our church for Christ’s birthday offering and thanking the group. Our group may have started with a different name in 1932 and was founded by Nora Hunter, but it still does some of the same things.
Carole thanked everyone for their hard work on the yard sale this month. It was very successful. The group will be serving the Maxwelton Ruritans on Sept. 22. The group also decided to purchase hygiene items for the Women’s Refuge Center to go along with towels furnished by Joan Vance. The church will be making apple butter, however, a date has not been set. The church will be having a dinner for their pastor on Oct. 30, because this is pastor appreciation month.
The next meeting will be October 11 and Marsha Merritt dismissed in prayer.’
Attending were Alice Coff, Angie Scott, Barb Seldomridge, Carole Spencer, Cindy Fleshman, Donna Scott, Dyan Hefner, Jamie Harvey Joan Vance, Kim Brookman, Marsha Merritt, Marty Burns, Pauline Perkins, and Patty Owens.