Dear Recycle Lady,
What does one do with a cut Christmas tree once Christmas is over? Tree Hugger
Dear Tree Hugger,
Good question. Unfortunately, there are not many choices available here for disposing of your cut Christmas tree. Cut trees can be used to create a safe place for feeding birds and providing nesting for them. They can also be put into ponds to create a feeding and nursery area for fish. If you live in the area where your trash is picked up by Greenbrier Valley Solid Waste, your tree will be picked up when your trash is picked up.
Dear Recycle Lady,
What is the difference between a landfill and a dump? I always thought they were the same thing. Curious
Dear Curious,
A landfill and a dump are definitely not the same thing. A landfill must meet certain state and federal requirements for isolating waste from the environment until it is safe. It also must meet requirements for long-term management and restoration of the waste site. Any waste site that does not meet these criteria is a dump. In West Virginia, it is illegal to create an open dump, burn waste or bury waste on your property. The Greenbrier County Solid Waste Authority oversees the Greenbrier County Landfill and meets all the criterial for landfill management. Locally, waste is picked up by Greenbrier Valley Solid Waste and taken to the Greenbrier County Landfill for proper disposal. Please note, the Greenbrier COUNTY Solid Waste AUTHORITY and the Greenbrier VALLEY Solid Waste are two distinct organizations. The Greenbrier COUNTY Solid Waste Authority is a branch of WV state government that oversees landfills and recycling. Greenbrier VALLEY Solid Waste is a privately owned garbage service and trash pickup business. Need a trash pickup or a dumpster? The Greenbrier VALLEY Solid Waste is the one to call. Have questions about recycling or the landfill? The Greenbrier COUNTY Solid Waste AUTHORITY is the one to call.
Dear Recycle Lady,
We have finally sorted through hundreds of ink pens, flair pens, and magic markers that no longer work. It’s simply amazing how many one family can accumulate over the years. Can they be sent/taken somewhere to be recycled? It is a shame to put them in the trash. Too Many Pens
Dear Too Many Pens,
Pen, markers and mechanical pencils are nearly impossible to recycle because they are all made up of several different types of plastic, metal and ink. The Recycling Center does not have the equipment to take these items apart and recycle each of the parts. PaperMate and Sharpie markers can be recycled through a TerraCycle program. Check out the website, 2015/04/how-to-recycle- markers/ for more information.
Have questions about recycling, or interesting information about recycling? Send questions or requests to . Dear Recycle Lady is sponsored jointly by the Greenbrier Recycling Center and Greenworks Recycling.