WILLIAMSBURG W.Va. (WVDN) – This match is held in memory of Jack Goodman and all proceeds go to the Jack Goodman Memorial Scholarship Fund which provides scholarships to high school seniors from the Williamsburg area to help defray the cost of furthering their education. The shooting match will begin at 6 p.m.
Come early, come hungry! Delicious hot food and refreshments will be available starting at 5 p.m. Families are welcome; you don’t have to shoot to come get a meal.
The match will consist of eight rounds and be conducted with 12-gauge guns only. The guns must have a full choke, a minimum of .660 inches. Screw-in chokes must be from a recognized supplier (patented) and extend no more than 3 inches beyond the original barrel. The barrel length must be a maximum of 34 inches.
The first seven rounds are $2.50 per shot, and the eighth round is 50/50 at $7.50 per shot. Shooters must compete in the first seven rounds to qualify for the eighth round.
A 50/50 splatter match is $1 per chance between rounds – Cash prizes will be awarded. You do not need to be a shooter to win!
The match will be held at the Community Building 6571 Shoestring, Trail, Williamsburg, WV. We hope to see you all there.
Sponsored by a joint effort of the Williamsburg Community Action.
For more information and directions visit www.williamsburgwv.com or call Bill Jarvis, 304-645-3690.