WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS W.Va. (WVDN) – The White Sulphur Springs city council met in regular session on Sept. 9.
A motion was made to accept the minutes from the last meeting and the motion passed. Next up was the financial report and a motion was made to accept it and pay all bills. The motion passed.
The fish art which is to be mounted next to Howard’s Creek was brought up. It was stated that the elevation certificate is in place. For the TIFF project to get going, they must first receive their permit from Fish and Wildlife.
Grant money from HUD will fund the work that’s going to be done on Main Street, down Terrace Drive. The project has two permits pending. One from DOH and one from DEP.
Sixty-five ordinance violations were sent to residents over property maintenance violations. A gentleman with an unsightly yard will receive help from the garden club.
A grant has been applied for to help with Christmas lighting. The garden club has been asked for help with the design for the Christmas lights.
The Center for Visitors Bureau gave a report that they’ve requested for White Sulphur Springs to be able to put the hotel tax into categories such as hotel, Airbnb, etc. That way the GCVB could gather more useful information from the research firm used by the state.
The maintenance supervisor asked residents to keep leaves out of the ditches and put them on the curb. Putting leaves in the ditches causes them to become clogged. Patching the road will be starting soon. The issue with the stoplight has been turned over to DOH.
HSWB Acquisitions LLC asked for the area of Parcel 235 Schoolhouse Way to be rezoned. Their properties known as Schoolhouse Hotel and Emmanuel Methodist Church are in this district. They asked for it to be zoned as a central business district. After The proper meetings were held and there was no opposition, it was approved to rezone Parcel 235 as a central business district.
It was approved to open an account for the bike park project with four signatures.
A library board member retired and it was approved to put Matthew B. Lewis of White Sulphur Springs in the vacant spot.
The garden club got a grant to plant daffodils all over the city and they want to decorate the big tree to help beautify the city.