1924– 100 Years Ago
A Violation Of Proprieties
Those who have a fair and reasonable sense of the proprieties were rather shocked to learn that the Ku Klux Klan organization was entertaining the senior class , faculty and school officials of Greenbrier High School at a banquet in the Klan hall in Ronceverte.
Tighter Laws On Divorce
Laws of the Methodist Episcopal Church covering divorce were further strengthened and interpreted by the general conference at Springfield, Mass., so that hereafter no minister of the church will be permitted to marry persons who have obtained divorces on grounds other than infidelity. Clergymen who themselves obtain divorcees on grounds other than in conformity with the law of the church, will be subject to expulsion.
A Banana Snake
Much excitement as well as curiosity was aroused recently at No 6 store, Gary, McDowell County, this state when a huge banana snake was found in a bunch of bananas. This snake was of the poisonous fer-de-lance species, commonly known as the rat -tan viper, generally found in Central and South America. The snake found was several feet in length and about the thickness of a man’s arm.
1949 – 75 Years Ago
Lewisburg Opens Home Season
The Lewisburg Independent Baseball Club opens its home schedule by meeting Quinwood, winner of last year’s Greenbrier Valley championship, at Island Park in Ronceverte. This is the first organized baseball team that Lewisburg has had in a number of years and they are looking forward to a very good season.
Yellow Perch Found
A species of edible fish not previously known in West Virginia has been found in the New River just below the Bluestone dam, the conservation commission said. The fish is the Yellow Perch. The fish is about 8 inches long, and its body is encircled by black bands. These fish take artificial lures as well as natural bait.
Purchases Famous Herd
A nationally-famous herd of Ayreshire cows is being transferred to Greenbrier County, having been purchased by the Greenbrier Dairy Company from Island Creek Coal Co. at Holden. The herd is the second largest of the breed in West Virginia and is by far larger than any other of this breed in Greenbrier County.
1974– 50 Years Ago
Golden Horseshoe Winners
Billy Joe Bryan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Bryan, Jr., of Lewisburg and Sally Ann Ford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ford, also of Lewisburg will be traveling to Charleston to be recognized as Golden Horseshoe winners in a ceremony with Gov. Arch Moore. Billy Joe and Sally are students at Lewisburg Junior High School.
Women Reportedy Hired For Coal Mines
Youngstown Mines Corps. says reports it is hiring women coal miners for underground work are greatly exaggerated – but some male miners are upset anyhow. A group of wives started circulating petitions against women miners after it was reported that Youngstown was hiring two women at its Dehue operation. Adding fuel to the fire is an earlier Interior Department action approving a plan by Island Creek Coal Co. to hire 10 women miners in Logan County.
Jazz Artist Dies At 75
Duke Ellington, the prolific and versatile composer-pianist who gave the world “Mood Indigo” and a variety of music ranging from jazz to opera, died of lung cancer complicated by pneumonia.
1999– 25 Years Ago
Lewisburg Council Postpones Decision On Parochial School
Lewisburg City Council members got an earful from both sides of the issue of a school which has been proposed for the St. James Episcopal Church. After listening to opponents and proponents, council voted 3-1 to table the requested conditional use permit which would allow the school to open its doors in August.
Manufacturer Announces Plans To Locate New Plant In Kellwood Building
For the first time in over six years, manufacturing activity will reportedly return to the former Kellwood plant at the Greenbrier Valley Airport Industrial Park. Governor Cecil H. Underwood and officials from The Airolite Company announced the company is expanding its manufacturing capacity and will open a new manufacturing facility at the airport. The plant is expected to create as many as 50 new jobs.
White Sulphur Graves Catalogued
The Greenbrier Historical Society’s volunteers have located 23 cemeteries in the White Sulphur District and registered over 2,000 graves. They found cemeteries throughout the district and are confident they found the larger ones such as Hillcrest, Green Hill, Whatcoat, and Mt. Loretto. However, they are not confident they found all of the family cemeteries.